I've spent hours playing this game with my best friend, we finished most of the game together and had tonnes of fun. We paid full price for the crew 2 when it first came out but we tried it and it just wasn't the same, sure it was newer with more features but it didn't have the same feel to it. Was disappointed when I heard that Ubisoft was closing down the servers and therefore shutting the entire game down... it seems silly to me that they didn't even give anyone a chance to run community-run servers or play a single player version of the game, which seems like it wouldn't have been difficult to add in. Alas, once again we have seen another game chucked in the trash far before it passed it's prime and with a still healthy player base without care or some effort to acknowledge a demand for a game that isn't even that old.... It's almost as if they truly believe The Crew 2 is the same game... they can't possibly expect us to believe that. The first game has far more soul, at least to me. We paid good money for a game that has now been taken from us. I'm really relieved that GOG has committed to giving us our games forever... not just a license until some large company decides to take it away without community input for the games future at all. Thank you GOG for working hard to taking care of games that most companies have long thrown in a dark closet somewhere or the trash. This isn't fast fashion, these are games that groups of people spent years creating. Maybe GOG can bring this game back to us players once again and potentially give us the option to have a local or community server that allows us to connect to one or two friends or something. Many games have that, even after their official servers were shut down. I really miss playing this game with my friend or even playing solo. It was quite a unique game and I loved speeding down the motorway with my friend, while I knocked away those plastic yellow trash bin like thingies... lots of fun :)