dtgreene: Also, I can point out that thieves can't heal others without using things like Rods of Resurrection; mages can at high levels.
Not particularly relevant, and mages heal nothing when they're dead.
Stig79: Can't dispel all of it. Besides. Still need to hit the beasties and the thief's THAC0 isn't that great. While the thief is attacking with a bow, a simple Hold person from the mage, or a confusion spell etc disables him.
Don't need to. I'm just going to sack your Protection From Evil, step out of sight, and let the demons do the dirty work. You did cast Protection From Evil, right?
Stig79: Have an experienced player create a level 20 mage to fight your level 20 thief and let us know how it goes, will you?
Fancy that, a mage with 1,550,000 more XP has something of a power advantage. Still doesn't save him against that first lethal backstab.
Stig79: Chain contigency in place with stoneskin, dimension door and improved invisibility triggering.
Next round. Wonder where the thief just went.
dtgreene: I believe that, if the mage has Protection from Magical Weapons active, that the arrow will not work. (Unlike Mirror Image and Stoneskin, PfMW prevents *all* effects from the attack from working, not just damage.)
Also, if the dispel effect has a school attached (probably Abjuration), it can be blocked with Spell Immunity.
Furthermore, maybe the target you hit with the arrow is a Projected Image. Well, as a mage (or better yet, a sorcerer), I have more of them! (Also, Simulacrum, which can't be destroyed as easily.)
So you didn't cast Protection From Evil before summoning demons? Yeah, I don't even need to use the arrow yet.
Furthermore, you are already dead because I killed you before you knew I was there. You didn't have a reason to be casting PfMW or Projected Images, and I have no reason to decloak while they are active.