SarahGabriella: Trans women are women, trans women are men.
Trans women are men. Trans men are women. Sex, not gender.
SarahGabriella: OK, lets have trans men with muscles and beards on testosterone use womens bathrooms.
I am absolutely fine with that. They are women, they should use women's bathrooms. If a woman suffers from hirsutism, this does not mean that she is not a woman, after all. I find your gender stereotypes problematic.
SarahGabriella: Trans women like cis women deserve to be safe in their own space.
This is exactly what J. K. Rowling said: that trans "women" deserve their own space, apart from "cis" women. Yet she is a TERF? Harrumph, good sir.
SarahGabriella: You sound like someone who reads a bit much on Twitter, and not the right kinda stuff.
I do not use social media and have never had a Twitter account. This is what we in the truthtelling trade call "projection", you have done nothing but channel the Twittersphere's counterfeit righteous indignation.
SarahGabriella: Educate yourself on trans people to be less of a transphobe.
Educating myself on trans people is exactly what made me realise the whole idea of gender is oppressive nonsense.
Some insane positions gaining acceptance amongst "woke" circles are:
Genital preferences are transphobic: You bourgeois liberal yuppies now say that if a gay man refuses to sleep with women LARPing as men ("trans men"), he is transphobic. I was born gay, I did not choose to be gay. I cannot "unlearn my genital preference", sexuality is immutable. The religious right wing has forced homosexuals into straight relationships through gay conversion therapy for ages; now the bourgeois left wing are doing the same. This is woke homophobia.
Gender non-conforming children are transgender: This is a consequence of the thoroughly discredited "brain in the wrong body" hypothesis. The heinous "gender affirming treatment" dogma, that is spreading like a cancer in caregiver circles, gives parents the idea they can "fix" their sons playing with dolls or daughters playing with cars with hormone blockers and mutilating surgery, whereas these children would grow up to be well adjusted "cisgender" adults without intervention. These children are callously pressed into the mold of gender stereotypes by doctors who violate their Hippocratic Oath:
Primum non nocere. First, do no harm.
Gays and lesbians owe their rights to transgenders: This usually follows the untrue assertion that a trans woman "threw the first brick" in the 1969 Stonewall riots. This "trans woman" was actually a gay male drag performer and identified as male. There were no transgenders involved in these riots; just lesbians, gays and bisexuals. LGB only turned into LGB
T over the past decade or so. Now the
T has been proven a Trojan horse, I am fine with divorcing the
T from LGB.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.