Posted September 26, 2014

Sounds like a great choice. That's another class I've been interested in trying. Too bad there aren't any NPC ones.
Anyway, there's no shame in not liking a game, an alignment, a class, or whatever. But for a few more ideas, here are some of my weak BG1 monk's crowning moments of glory:
-Soloing Firewine Bridge dungeon with a potion of stone form, potion of cloud giant strength, potion of absorption, and some heals. If I'd put any points into detect traps, it would have been even better, but I can't say I regret putting them in stealth.
-Wading through Ghasts and Spiders and similar enemies thanks to disease immunity and high saves against spells and death.
-Chasing down Davaeorn and Semaj when they tried to teleport to safety.
-Soloing a Greater Doppelganger without taking a scratch because my fast attacks disrupted both its mirror image and haste spells
-Finally beating my first vampiric wolf at like level 2 because even though my high-dex monk couldn't hit with regular fists, he could avoid or absorb more damage than my other NPCs while they kept landing hits.
-Darting out of a battle, fast-healing with Lay Hands, and rushing back in.
-Running circles around Aec'Letec. Not the strategy that ultimately worked, but fun.
If some classes really do have a harder time than others, there might be something to be said for that too. But I imagine it only gets better from here. Seriously, poison and charm immunity, immunity to nonmagic weapons, quivering palm?