Posted August 19, 2014

Mages, as a norm, have several different types of spell, I.E. Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Icelance, that do different forms of damage. If this wasn't enough, he also has spells that make him protected or immune to the various types of damage(Not so much in the CRPG's but in the P&P). From The Globe of Invulnerability, to the Protection Against (Insert name here) spells, the Wizard has a lot of options. Even if the opponent IS immune to magical damage, the Wizard when correctly prepared with various spells can also serve as a back up Buffer for the party with his Haste and Strength spells.
In truth, A Wizard's strength is being prepared where a Fighter can handle things as they come.
But what happens to a fighter when you get a creature that is immune to whatever weapon he's using? He's on the frontlines taking a beating, doing no damage, and what happens? His good friend the Wizard saves him, blasting away the enemies with magic or a summon. But without that Fighter in the front, the Wizard would be dead nearly instantly.
In truth, to me this just seems like a Wizards vs Sorcerer, or Cleric vs Druid discussion because its the same basic principles. The only difference is, you have two totally different classes(A Caster and a Melee type) which both have their strong points, and their weak points(Low HP for the Wizard, Having to carry a lot of magical weapons for the Fighter) and in the end it all depends on your stand point.
I love wizards, but I'm in the category of people who believe that a fighter who is well-equipped will most usually out-perform a wizard in the long run.
But I also believe that DnD 1.0-3.5 was not balanced class-to-class. It was built as a game that creates a multi-functional party through group participation. The fighter is better at fighting because he's a fighter. The wizard can do far more. In a DnD campaign I was in, I used a whisper spell and a lore check to get the party past 300 orcs. The fighter would have wound up dead or have an unsuccessful quest. And that's the beauty of DnD. It's not about combat only. It's about so much more.