dtgreene: The idea would be to "fix" the story so that it *doesn't* revolve around the main character.
IwubCheeze: And the story revolving around the main character needs "fixing" because...................?
While BG's story is standard fare DnD, it is still functional for the game and doesn't need fixing. Sure, there are aspects of the story I don't like in BG but who really freakin' cares? Games are not movies, the most important thing a game must have is good game play and BG has this in spades.
The story only needs fixing when you remove the main character or make other changes of comparable magnitude (like removing Don Irenicus from BG2). Once you make a change that drastic, only *then* does the story stop making sense (assuming it did make sense in the first place).
With that said, the story of the unmodded game can be said to have issues. I don't like the fact that the only matriarchal society in the game is evil, for example. I also don't like the fact that characters who (according to their character sheet) are good are racist. (Speaking of alignment, apparently some versions of Don Irenicus are Chaotic Good; does his behavior reflect that alignment? (No idea whether it is possible to interact with any of his Chaotic Good incarnations without cheats, however.))
jsidhu762: Spoilers for Mass Effect
The romances in BG2 aren't nearly as stupid as Commander Shepherd murdering ten million Cerberus agents in front of Ashely Graham, and Ashley is still not convinced that he/she isn't a Cerberus spy.
End Spoilers
There are a couple issues with the variety of romances in BG2 (non-EE):
1. There are three options if you are playing a male character, but only one if you are playing a female character.
2. There are no same-sex romances available. (I consider it to be an issue when a game allows opposite-sex romance (or marriage) but not same-sex romance (or marriage). I do not consider it an issue if the game doesn't offer romance (or marriage) in the first place.)
Also, have you noticed that every single romance partner is a divine caster?
(Of course, in a no-CHARNAME mod, these romances wouldn't be available. However, they could, say, put in an an Aerie/Haer-Dalis romance or something like that.)