alcaray: I'm an extreme old-timer so my comfort level goes back even further than yours. Even so, the demo looks learnable and fun.
That gripe had nothing to do with comfort levels of editions, I've been playing the Forgotten Realms since it was released. This is entirely about the lore and setting. If you followed the actual plot of the Forgotten Realms, you'd find that there was a major upheaval that pretty much ruined the setting when the rules and lore got updated to 4th edition. Ed Greenwood, RA Salvatore and the rest of the major lore writers for Forgotten Realms were furious about the changes because they never got consulted. They just got handed a bunch of notes from WotC amounting to "w
e killed off most of your gods, added new races you have to pretend were always there, deleted existing races, changed how magic works entirely and basically scrapped all the building blocks that make the Forgotten Realms the Forgotten Realms. Now write the in-game lore reasons and sell us some more books."
To be fair, fifth edition has been them wildly backpedaling and trying to undo all those toxic changes that drove all the players and writers away. But at best, instead of 90% ruined, it's more like 25% ruined, and you have to still deal with the fact that all that nonsense is still part of the canonical lore of 5E. The general consensus is that they'd have done better rewinding the lore to 3E and pretending the changes in 4E never happened when they wrote 5E rather than spend half the book retconning and explaining the reality warping shenanigans needed to delete all the damage that 4E did.