Posted April 15, 2012
This is a straight BG1 installation with only the tweakpack from the Gibberlings Three installed. (Specifically, only the max hp and 100% spell learning.) Oh, and it's the GoG version, obviously.
I just came back from the ice Island. So you see, I have excellent role-playing as well as power-gaming motivations of chopping Shandalar to pieces.
Only problem is... I can't.
Supposedly he has the following stat:
HPs 96, AC -20, XP value 26000, THAC0 11, 1 ApR
Resists Fire/Cold/Acid/Lit and Magical Fire/Cold 100%
80% resistance to piercing/crushing/slashing/missile
0% "Magic" resistance
Saving Throws: 1 (All)
I had Quayle (specifically hired for this purpose) and Edwin dumping magic missiles on him. And everyone else were using wands of mm as well. According to the in-game messages, before he set up his globe of invulnerability. I managed to do 97 damage.
That is one more than his supposed hp.
Fine. I dispelled his globe, and fed him more MMs. I think I did over 140 damage before giving up, and he was still standing.
Has he been secretly patched to become immortal, or what?
I just came back from the ice Island. So you see, I have excellent role-playing as well as power-gaming motivations of chopping Shandalar to pieces.
Only problem is... I can't.
Supposedly he has the following stat:
HPs 96, AC -20, XP value 26000, THAC0 11, 1 ApR
Resists Fire/Cold/Acid/Lit and Magical Fire/Cold 100%
80% resistance to piercing/crushing/slashing/missile
0% "Magic" resistance
Saving Throws: 1 (All)
I had Quayle (specifically hired for this purpose) and Edwin dumping magic missiles on him. And everyone else were using wands of mm as well. According to the in-game messages, before he set up his globe of invulnerability. I managed to do 97 damage.
That is one more than his supposed hp.
Fine. I dispelled his globe, and fed him more MMs. I think I did over 140 damage before giving up, and he was still standing.
Has he been secretly patched to become immortal, or what?
This question / problem has been solved by Tallima