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Araska hotel , early mission, did a slide to avoid being attacked, got stuck under a table in the bar.

Couldn't crouch or move out.

As bugs go, an annoyance but not much more.
This is not the only place you can get stuck: lot of times between fence section, ladders, some areas where you can get in yet you are done after you step there, sometimes your car can get under the another car and you cannot leave it... With all the bugs like this I wish they had autosave like every minute and keep at least 20 autosaves in history.
Got stuck getting out of car inside another car then got launched in the air and died, Been stuck on a stair and slowly died, Got stuck standing on a table near died lost most health, Stepped out of car died, Tried putting a unconscious in car boot car launched the body and my self was trapped under car fell through map, used the fast travel point nothing happened fell through map, Climbed a Balcony rail fell through map.

Ahh the fun