squid830: Oh yeah I keep forgetting that the improved versions of most hacks affect multiple enemies and/or spread to enemies nearby.
Personally I usually use the blindness one when I want to be stealthy, since it's "covert" so the enemies don't realise it's someone hacking them. Which is strange, but I'm glad it works like this since it makes stealth much easier, for those few missions where it's desirable to do something without wasting everyone (which are admittedly very few, since it's usually easier/more fun/more useful (in terms of loot) to use stealth to sneak up for the kill, and then take everyone out.
Of course, most of the time it doesn't matter if you're not 100% "stealthy" since the enemies have a really hard time actually finding you even when alerted.
The one thing this game does do right though is that, at least on v.hard, the enemies don't magically stop looking after a very short period of time. They usually seem to stay alert for a long time - at least once they've gotten into the most aggressive mood (as opposed to just alert). Of course that could be an unintentional bug...
Related side note: it's kind of annoying how there are way more iconic weapons than there are spots for them in the stash display.
For the longest time I actually thought something was bugged (yet again) because only one of my iconics is showing up - but it turns out that there are many that don't have a "special spot" in the stash.

ast486: Interesting. I did stealth at the beginning, but mostly just to survive encounters I wasn't high enough level for.
Later I just wnet hacker rambo :-D
I don't think the alertness is a bug the way it works; I think it's intended and I agree that it's pretty good.
I didn't even know the iconics showed in your base stash.
I always use the car stash and due to them not being connected, I never got to see that.
Is it automatic or you ahve to choose where to place em?
So far I've only had one of them show up, but it's automatic and it's also irrelevant if you've upgraded them or not (they appear either way). You just need to put them in your home stash.
Funny you mention the car stash - because it wasn't until I had cleared all of the Watson missions and world opened up to me, and then some, before I realised I could actually use the trunk of my car to stash things!
It would have been more useful if the car trunk stash linked to the base stash - not realistic of course, but I'm pretty sure that all car stashes are linked (could be wrong though?). Mainly because moving stuff between home and car stash is a pain, given that there's an elevator ride between them (but hopefully the car actually stays there in-between trips if you don't call it?).
Speaking of which, it's a bit lame that your cars aren't actually parked somewhere in the parking garage of your building (if they haven't been called lately). Would have made more sense, not to mention be more immersive. When I first got to the garage from my flat, I looked everywhere for my car and was disappointed I had to actually leave the garage before I could even call it!
Hopefully having your car blow up doesn't destroy the car stash... ;)