Posted December 13, 2020

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Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2015
From Netherlands
Posted December 13, 2020
Holy moly, that's a whole different game, GTA5 is clearly the winner here

New User
Registered: Apr 2017
From Canada
Posted December 13, 2020
This is why I don't understand the "it's your hardware/old console pleps" comments. Nothing about Cyberpunk looks or feels next gen, even more so when stacked against a game from what? 2014 or 15?

New User
Registered: Jun 2015
From Netherlands
Posted December 13, 2020

But when I start GTA5, I can almost set everything to ultra/high, and it also looks soo much better

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted December 13, 2020
I clearly bought the wrong game ;)

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted December 13, 2020
I guess I'm one of those that doesn't think these things are anywhere important in a game... CyberPunk 2077 has the best gameplay and best detailed and looking city overall.
Let's see, this game just came out 3 days ago and no software is ever 100% finished when it releases. But given the details and the story in this game I prefer this over the bland city in GTAV any day. There's no character customization in GTA V either, and the humor in there is on par with a simple minded teen with excessive fart jokes.
Pedestrians in GTA V is like ragdolls and based on old techniques, and it's actually better (but simpler) in CP. Humans don't just fly/glides over a car when you run them over.
And, it's not uncommon to leave things out if the game is already unstable and then put elements back in one by one. Not only that, let's not forget, in ALL these years GTAV have had many many glitches that we all have laughed hard at, so no, GTAV is NOT the better game at all. Just look at the guy that was punched. He got roll-dragged several meters :D
But yes, CDPR do have a long road to go... especially the AI in Cyberpunk is bad. Cops just magically appears right behind you. That's the only thing that buggers me.
Anyway, the clip has some good points, but ultimately it's made for entertainment purposes, like GTA V and CyberPunk 2077 :P Seriously? Have someone actually said that? Hehe, probably from a person who didn't know how anything works. Game physics either is there or notat all, no matter if the computer is slow or fast.
Let's see, this game just came out 3 days ago and no software is ever 100% finished when it releases. But given the details and the story in this game I prefer this over the bland city in GTAV any day. There's no character customization in GTA V either, and the humor in there is on par with a simple minded teen with excessive fart jokes.
Pedestrians in GTA V is like ragdolls and based on old techniques, and it's actually better (but simpler) in CP. Humans don't just fly/glides over a car when you run them over.
And, it's not uncommon to leave things out if the game is already unstable and then put elements back in one by one. Not only that, let's not forget, in ALL these years GTAV have had many many glitches that we all have laughed hard at, so no, GTAV is NOT the better game at all. Just look at the guy that was punched. He got roll-dragged several meters :D
But yes, CDPR do have a long road to go... especially the AI in Cyberpunk is bad. Cops just magically appears right behind you. That's the only thing that buggers me.
Anyway, the clip has some good points, but ultimately it's made for entertainment purposes, like GTA V and CyberPunk 2077 :P Seriously? Have someone actually said that? Hehe, probably from a person who didn't know how anything works. Game physics either is there or notat all, no matter if the computer is slow or fast.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by sanscript

New User
Registered: Jan 2013
From Bulgaria
Posted December 13, 2020

Based on this I assumed that 1060 should be fine to run the game on 1080 with HIGH settings or some even on ULTRA .
Boy, was I wrong! It is basically a sales pitch for Intel and NVIDIA. Don't tell me that they never bothered to look at the CPU load on Ryzen CPUs. Don't tell me that they could not insert into their system requirements the 20s series of GeForce cards. Don't tell me that they could not make ray tracing run on RDNA 2 if they asked AMD for samples and support.
Don''t worry. After few months they will turn off the "Ampere mode" and the game will run fine. I will wait for more than a few months before buying to let them release it in its final form.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by ivanx

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia
Posted December 13, 2020
its all just witcher 3 situation again... nvidia needs to sell new cards. they dont need you to use your 3+ years old card... thats pretty much reason why they threw up so much money to get RT to CP... just to make it not so obvious... the "you need a new geforce to enjoy impressive RT effect!" is better slogan than just "get a new card, your old one wont work"

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 13, 2020
ok for starters. The Next Gen moniker would be only for Consoles, as PC is always in the forefront. Second, I have no problems running CP2077 on my rig. It's just buggy. and I played the Witcher 3 almost all the way though being buggy as hell but waited to finish after the 4th patch or so. this game will get fixed. stop crying. and just let them fix it without the Diva's chiming in all the time.

New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted December 14, 2020
inexcusable for a 2020 game. just shows that cyberpunk 2077 is an unfinished product. what a shame the games potential was wasted just to release it early and earn money.

New User
Registered: Dec 2020
From Poland
Posted December 14, 2020
GTA V hands down. That’s an actual open world. Cyberpunk is not. It’s just a big buggy sandbox with points in a map to go to. And the AI is multiple gens old feeling. Not even subpar - just straight bad.