Posted January 03, 2021

Seems to me that you are just trying to defend your bad decisions , I guess when things go wrong it's always someone elses fault though.

By your logic, no-one would ever invest in property developments, finance start-up companies, purchase houses from perspective plots or underwrite certain business loans - all types of transaction based on assurances and promises from the sellers and vendors. What was that you were saying about ‘being naive on how the world works’?
It would be great if we could live completely free of financial risk in life in our bedrooms, with all food safely sent down through the basement hatch, but it isn’t so - and taking financial risk does not absolve a fraudulent company of responsibility to deliver.
If CDPR were some random, indie, fly-by-night developer then yes, you could argue ‘bad decision’. But that STILL wouldn’t change the entitlement to a refund for an unsatisfactory product - the topic of this thread.