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CP2077 is supposed to be a "role playing game", so let's role-play I guess, we got some extra time anyway.

Ever since the reveal of the life-paths, I decided on a kinda simple plan to try and play as follows:

Starting as a Corpo (they seem to be the most interesting to me by far), we know that for one reason or another V will seemingly leave Arisaka, we still don't know the actual "last straw" that lead to this decision or if V was forced to leave, but my V is going to take this as an... "kinda" personal affront (for lack of a better term...).

I'm going to try and be a a Corpo that grew nothing but hatred for the Corporate after learning about how they work from the inside, form their perspective.
My V will be laser focused on destroying the Corporate machine with little regard for what comes after or what chaos and harm this might cause to others. This V sees corporate as a cancerous root and wants it gone, even if he has to burn the whole garden.

As for methods to achieve this V's goal, as an ex-Corpo it only makes sense to make use of that insider knowledge to clog the machine from within, ex-Corpo V knows blind rage will only take him so far.

Of course, I don't know what the actual game has in-store, so my plan might change due to some event in the story (which I'm totally ok with) or it might not be possible at all.

Do you have any role planned? Or you just wanna go with the wind?
Milf-guard FTW. You guys saw it in Episode 5 right.
Post edited November 20, 2020 by Cyberway
I'm gonna download Japanese voice overs, make my FemV look as close as possible to Major and pretend i'm playing GITS game i never got.
For the most part, I am going to just roll with the punches.

I'll start nomad, because I am essentially a nomad in real life. It seems to be the lifepath closest to my profession as a truck driver. Corpo and Street look interesting also, but I have to pick one.

Definitely going FemV. I'll doll her up and turn her into a ninja or something. We will see.

Then I'll start on the outskirts with Night City off in the distance as nomad. And I'll work my way closer and closer, eventually kicking the doors down and making a name for myself. lol
I'm probably gonna play like this:

1.) Nomad, as the 'new kid in town', focusing on heavy guns and gorilla arms
2.) Street Kid, focusing on stealth and netrunning
3.) Corpo, no idea on what to focus there.
I wonder why people have so much hate for corps. Corporations are just a way to do things; yes, there is cutthroat competition and underhanded tactics, but it's just a natural consequences of power concentration. You can't achieve anything without power concentration, it's a tool, and if, in this world, the concentration have arisen through corporations, that's how it is. I'll be, of course, a corpo - you have to use the instruments you've got, not destroy them because of your angst and anger.
Grahor: I wonder why people have so much hate for corps. Corporations are just a way to do things; yes, there is cutthroat competition and underhanded tactics, but it's just a natural consequences of power concentration. You can't achieve anything without power concentration, it's a tool, and if, in this world, the concentration have arisen through corporations, that's how it is.
In general it's just an organizational structure as you say. But in the Cyberpunk universe, corporations became powerful enough to overthrow nation-states and eventually started a war between themselves that led to the destruction of much of the world. They're hierarchical power structures without any democratic mandate, and are essentially in it for themselves. Much of the population is outside the corporate system and treated as expendable. So, outsiders who are not stakeholders in existing power structures are looking to replace them to gain more power for themselves. I'm not that familiar with the lore but to me it looks like the typical tides and turns of history (revolutions, etc.)
Post edited December 06, 2020 by Turbo-Beaver
Grahor: I wonder why people have so much hate for corps. Corporations are just a way to do things; yes, there is cutthroat competition and underhanded tactics, but it's just a natural consequences of power concentration. You can't achieve anything without power concentration, it's a tool, and if, in this world, the concentration have arisen through corporations, that's how it is.
Turbo-Beaver: In general it's just an organizational structure as you say. But in the Cyberpunk universe, corporations became powerful enough to overthrow nation-states and eventually started a war between themselves that led to the destruction of much of the world. They're hierarchical power structures without any democratic mandate, and are essentially in it for themselves. Much of the population is outside the corporate system and treated as expendable. So, outsiders who are not stakeholders in existing power structures are looking to replace them to gain more power for themselves. I'm not that familiar with the lore but to me it looks like the typical tides and turns of history (revolutions, etc.)
Yes, you simply need a balance so that economic (or any other) power does not become too concentrated. And the classical nation states are that balance.

This has nothing to do with an over the top rejection of corporations in and by themselves. Of course, work needs to be done and work needs to be paid appropriately.

Unfortunately, if I take a look at the real world, the idea of corporations becoming powerful enough to overthrow the nation states is not so far fetched anymore as I would like.
GR11: Unfortunately, if I take a look at the real world, the idea of corporations becoming powerful enough to overthrow the nation states is not so far fetched anymore as I would like.
It's been done already, check out United Fruit vs Guatemala:
The United Fruit Company (UFC), whose highly profitable business had been affected by the end to exploitative labor practices in Guatemala, engaged in an influential lobbying campaign to persuade the U.S. to overthrow the Guatemalan government. The CIA armed, funded, and trained force of 480 men [...] invaded Guatemala on 18 June 1954, backed by a heavy campaign of psychological warfare. (Wikipedia)
Playing as NOMAD who cannot stand sodomy, and I will find out that Night City is filled with it. It's time to clean house.,
Nomad female v who despite the inherent difficulty of night city maintains a cheerful disposition without drawing a lot of attention. She will have a quick temper, but not a hothead, terrible sense of humor and will be focusing mostly on hacking and strength/melee combat. She keeps her talents hidden until necessary letting only those who have seen her/faced her in action know the real threat that she can be.

This is of course subject to change but it's my basic template so far.
Animexlife: Nomad female v who despite the inherent difficulty of night city maintains a cheerful disposition without drawing a lot of attention. She will have a quick temper, but not a hothead, terrible sense of humor and will be focusing mostly on hacking and strength/melee combat. She keeps her talents hidden until necessary letting only those who have seen her/faced her in action know the real threat that she can be.

This is of course subject to change but it's my basic template so far.
Something like that ... only I want to model the Nomad V on Furiosa
I'm basically trying to play as Molly Millions from Neuromancer. So a Street Kid that focuses speed and melee combat. I don't know if permanently attached sunglasses and razor blade fingernails are a thing in the game (I avoided watching most preview videos and stuff on purpose) but I think I saw those retractable forearm blades from the teaser image in the game so that should be a good substitute.