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OldOldGamer: ... Is that so bad it will become a cult game like those B movies?
Should I?
Honestly, that solely depends on what you think is ok, what you like, and are you prepared to pay about 70 bucks for it... at this time.

There are some wtf moments here and there however, and they combine stealth with sponged enemies. Going higher in difficulty only makes them even more annoying and spongebobs as there is no AI here, literally.

Just don't expect anything Witcher 3 like, RPG like with plenty of dialogue choices, don't expect much in "smart" NPCs/enemies, and instead would like a beautifully detailed, but glossy city with a relatively good and linear story (and much shorter than W3 f.ex.) and mature humour that almost plays like GTA, well, then this might be a game for you.

The game per today doesn't have what you'd expect in an AAA game, but no, I don't think it ever would be a cult game, since CDPR have, based on their track record, finished their game pretty reasonably well in the past.
Post edited December 24, 2020 by sanscript
OldOldGamer: ... Is that so bad it will become a cult game like those B movies?
Should I?
It's only poor console poors complaining about it.
It isn't bad on pc.
OldOldGamer: ... Is that so bad it will become a cult game like those B movies?
Should I?
I recommend to buy later, maybe next year
Post edited December 24, 2020 by fedstim
OldOldGamer: ... Is that so bad it will become a cult game like those B movies?
Should I?
Wait till the end of 2021, they need to fix stuff and improve the world, bugs on PC are not as bad we saw in the old consoles, but there are details that requires more polish, let's say that GTA 5 brings a better immersion in terms of a living city.

If they refine Cyberpunk 2077 in terms of street NPCs, cars, vendors, the city verticality and interiors, them we have something way better beyond amazing graphics, and on this department, like many other titles with Raytracing, optimization is key. The characters and history are cool, plenty of nice dialogues and crazy moments.

The game have everything to be way better, the Devs just need to hang the CEO and refine the product.
Post edited December 24, 2020 by user deleted
OldOldGamer: Wow... people nowadays are so spoiled that are not even capable of handling discussion.
I'm 100 hours in AMA...

but for real that long the only bugs i found were mainly squished by the 1.05 and the save issue was fixed with 1.06 there is a major content bug fix coming in Jan and another in Feb and lots of planned free DLC plus a few massive Paid ones like Witcher 3. And in a yearish the full Multiplayer add-on will go live for all owners of the game, think GTA style, roomers were cross play which can absolutely happen since they control the netcode <3

Side note all the advanced graphics will be ported into (rather porting on to the new engine) The Witcher 3 for free!
My experience is dramatically different to a lot of people and for 1. It is "not a generic looter shooter: 2. Cars falling from the sky I have seen twice in over 60 hours of play (and to this day mammoths still fall out of the sky along with dragon skeletons in Skyrim). 3. There is a complexity to this city design not present in any modern based RPG/action game out there. 4. Gigs is where I have found some of the best quests in any game. The game should never of tried to support dated old hardware or Windows 7, it is obvious low end 750 ti type hardware was always going to have major issues running this game, especially with a hopeless 2 gigs of memory (and that includes the dated and very old PS4; they shot themselves in the foot trying to support that brick), they are guilty of that. I love the detail in this world it is amazing... and I am continually finding view points to take screenshots (would have preferred more third person, as I just don't buy the BS about first person being more immersive (more like animation issues). I'm having an enjoyable time playing the game and so are many other people... number one seller on Steam still... If you have the hardware, buy the game. The game is"not GTA anything thank god or an arpg/shooter. Agree there are problems, but your experience like my experience with the game are not universal. My system: short version, 3070 10700k 32 gigs DDR 4 and 2 terabytes SSD.
GTX 960 / 16 Go RAM / I7 8700k : is fine in medium and still looks great.

Story wise, the game IS a masterpiece. 80h so far, I think I did most of the major sidequests and I still have the last act of the main story to do (and many minor but usually interesting sidequests).

Without saying one is better than another, I haven't been hooked in a game like this since The Witcher, Dragon Age or Mass Effect. As for the feel of being in a living world, it's better than most games, TW3 do probably a bit better but to me it feels that they did a good job.

About bugs, it's comparable to an elder scroll. You may encounter some minor ones that are just funny, other that may be more an issue. If you're old as you say, you've seen far worst back in the days.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by Neity
OldOldGamer: Wow... people nowadays are so spoiled that are not even capable of handling discussion.
Welcome to the internet