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These are a few images (which were removed from Reddit), that show the roads are empty or not very diverse and full of the same cars. This is a huge problem that no one is talking about.
scrubking: This is a huge problem
Sorry not really getting the problem? this isnt gta 6 its an rpg with cars and remember even when gta 5 came out there were not many models in that either most were added later in dlc or modded by players. They said in the car section they made over 40 cars plus bikes and all the modded versions from show room fresh to OMG how does that still drive. so of course you will see cars repeated often with that busy a traffic cycle. I cant wait to drive and collect them in all their various mods after all the work they put into them.
Also this is a screwed up future with what looks like many fewer car companys so there may just be a lack of variety in the number of models being made that is why so many poeple are modding them to fit their needs and tastes.
Post edited October 19, 2020 by Wes_McCourt
The spawn system needs to be more diverse, regardless of the fact the game has a limited/small number of vehicles, having the same 2 /3 model of a vehicle spawn back to back or 2 on a side and a third on the opposite side isn't really that much of a view.
Post edited October 25, 2020 by YIUI
This problem is present in GTA since it went 3D. Its called the Taxi bug. I can't remember if that was the case in GTA 1 and 2, but as far I remember it wasn't. The problem is the algorithm is made in such way to store the vehicle spawn data in the RAM, its not exactly dynamically run all the time. And most of the time it bugs and loads the last spawned vehicle over and over again. This is mostly noticeable with any vehicle driven by the player - you finally find that cool sports car? Sweet, now you see it everywhere, because its present in the ram so the engine decides its easier to load this vehicle instead of "search" for other model.

There are mods who fixed this in GTA IV but it was huge resource hog, especially if you drive on high speeds. I am fairly sure there's some way to optimize the process but its simply easier to store some vehicles in the ram and load them over and over again for pre defined period of time and after this timer ends it will load up new batch of models. Easier to execute and not so resource hungry (if at all).
There's only a handful of car manufacturers in the lore/game. And given how corporations love attacking those that infringe on their ideas/markets, it stands to reason that there aren't going to be that many types of cars to choose from.
Crack open any of the CP books and look at how many cars are represented in them, and then remove all but 1% the vehicles that wouldn't be street legal, then remove al but 5%l the cars that aren't affordable by the average person in this setting..

Now,,, how many cars do you think you're going to see?
coldheartzero: Crack open any of the CP books and look at how many cars are represented in them, and then remove all but 1% the vehicles that wouldn't be street legal, then remove al but 5%l the cars that aren't affordable by the average person in this setting..

Now,,, how many cars do you think you're going to see?
Your point being...?
I see nothing but Nissan Rogues and Honda Civics. If they are aiming for realism the car selection is actually too diverse.
008Zulu: There's only a handful of car manufacturers in the lore/game. And given how corporations love attacking those that infringe on their ideas/markets, it stands to reason that there aren't going to be that many types of cars to choose from.
Completely agree. Some people haven't thought before they formed opinions and shared them online. It's a dystopia, run by megacorporations. There's not going to 20+ different car manufacturers with differing models, there's going to be very few as they've been bankrupted or bought out then incorporated.
So its like in real life. In my country one car brand is so prevalent that you see it 10x times more often than any other just in different colors.

Post edited November 25, 2020 by Jumbik
scrubking: These are a few images (which were removed from Reddit), that show the roads are empty or not very diverse and full of the same cars. This is a huge problem that no one is talking about.
You don't seem to realise that this is not your holiday paradise destination you are going to play in.
This is a dystopian world with a failed collapsed civilization, and has an overwhelming income disparity. It makes sense that a lot of people drive the same cheap to acquire cars. Now that I just gave you a lore explanation, this is no longer an issue.

These are a few images (which were removed from Reddit), that show the roads are empty or not very diverse and full of the same cars. This is a huge problem that no one is talking about.
Ummm, have you looked at the lack of diversity in car/truck styles and types on the road when you've driving around in real life?