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I tried just for fun, to let the update run in the background, I left it at 92% on January 31st and today on February 9th and it was still stuck on 92%

Pretty funny, no issue with hardware or disc space, computer is more than beefy enough...

This will forever be the worst way I've ever seen someone update their game, I'm sure that it's great in making sure that everything is updated correctly (but I thought that's where we used checksums and such to check integrity? but whatever), but it's obviously a nightmare on most systems...

Glad for those were it works as intended, I see no logic in why it doesn't on my system, but that's how IT works sometimes, logic sometimes just don't apply.

In any case, I'm restarting the update one last time before I just end up uninstalling and reinstalling instead. Not that I have much interest in playing the game anymore, since I already finished it multiple times last month.
Yeah, I mean, I love this game and I love CDPR but their patching method is unacceptable. I've literally NEVER had another game take that long to patch, even on a mechanical hard drive (SSDs aren't affordable for me), unless the patch literally alters a good chunk of the game's data, EG: The Elder Scrolls Online after a huge performance patch that changed most of the game's data. With this game, the tiniest patches take 15+ minutes to apply and that's just absurd. I really hope they never develop a game with this patching method ever again.
I tried excluding the game from the virus scanner... maybe that'll help.
If not I'll just to the uninstall -> install thing.
uh how do i delete a post
Post edited February 14, 2021 by rebb