ozoak: But come on, the majority are not going to repeat it for it. The vast majority. Heck, the majority don't even finish the game 1 time.
However that aside, skill check scaling is not good, right? right?
I have completed the game 3 times, doing the different lifepaths and different builds. But that sure wasn't to "experience the dialogue options", it was to try different builds...with the dialogue options, admittedly, as a bonus.
As for strength scaling, that is BS - there is no reason for anything in the game to get passively heavier over time, unless that is specifically mentioned. Which it isn't. So if anything, a static strength check should decrease with progression, not increased. As our character gets stronger / smarter / more technical yada-yada-yada.
Or what the hell, just attach the obstacle (whenever possible) to our car and use that to move it. As is possible in real life. This game was initially claimed to be a "do anything" simulator anyway. Where we can't even shoot kids. Which is why I haven't completed the game 4 times, because of all the restrictions.
Anywho, what I could get along with would be: keep the strength checks, BUT change the status of the object in question.
- Is the dumpster full? 10 Body. Maybe come back at a set time of day when it has been emptied by NC renovation.
- Is the dumpster empty? 4 Body.
- Is a locked door reinforced? 16 Body
- Is a locked door made of metal? 10 Body.
- Is a locked door made of wood? 4 Body.
As it is, the scaling system is bad, I agree.
And all weapon mods needs to be removable. Even if we only could do it at weapon vendors (making them actually useful). And clothes needs to be more valuable.10.000 Eddies for a gun, but 200 Eddies for an exquisite dress?
I'm no expect, most expensive piece of clothing I own is a 350 USD jacket that I bought on sale for 200, but are you kidding me!?