Knightspace: Thanks, but i already know of the site and you can't download old patches that way. I'm just unable to understand the decision to remove all of those older patches, despite still keeping up patch notes on their own Cyberpunk site and i can't get any answer from GoG about why they are doing this.
Storage space would be my guess. I got everything from Cyberpunk 1.03 (installer) and onwards in patches. That's 300 GB alone.
I got 100 GoG games kept locally, and that's not even all my GoG games - and FAR from the entire GoG library - and only those games, including patches and mods and extras, amounts to 1.11 TB.
It makes sense they only keep the last few patches available to save space, which is a simple enough reason.
But not just admitting that and replying to an inquiry regarding the issue is rude of them.
Note that it takes WEEKS to get a response to support tickets now though. There's a sticky post on the main forum page regarding this.