Posted May 11, 2017
high rated
Actions and reactions...
At first all was DRM-free, one world, one price and customer centered. And GOG saw what it hat created and saw that it was good.
And I loved GOG and bought indiscriminately everything I took a fancy to. Day 1 releases too.
But GOG wasn't content. So things started to change.
They introduced DLC - So I concluded that this means incomplete releases and I stopped buying Day 1. Instead I waited for game of the year editions and the like.
Then they introduced regional pricing - I live in a high-price region and since I feel kind of cheated, I now ONLY buy at deep discounts. So GOG is losing money.
They introduced Galaxy ... I wasn't bothered because it was optional and was going to stay that way. Right? Right?
Wrong! They started bundling Galaxy with some of their installers to force it on everybody. So I backed up the afflicted games and I stopped buying new games that come bundled.
Soon they will bundle it with all games and I will stop buying here completely. Since from an installer with the installation of Galaxy checked ON by default, it is a small step to an installer without that checkbox. Without the option not to install the client. And that will be DRM.
I will keep coming here for the forum, since there are some nice people. But GOG will have lost me as a customer. And I hope that many, many more customers refuse to buy games that act as a sneaky installer for a client software. Perhaps then GOG will reverse that last, very customer unfriendly, decision.
At first all was DRM-free, one world, one price and customer centered. And GOG saw what it hat created and saw that it was good.
And I loved GOG and bought indiscriminately everything I took a fancy to. Day 1 releases too.
But GOG wasn't content. So things started to change.
They introduced DLC - So I concluded that this means incomplete releases and I stopped buying Day 1. Instead I waited for game of the year editions and the like.
Then they introduced regional pricing - I live in a high-price region and since I feel kind of cheated, I now ONLY buy at deep discounts. So GOG is losing money.
They introduced Galaxy ... I wasn't bothered because it was optional and was going to stay that way. Right? Right?
Wrong! They started bundling Galaxy with some of their installers to force it on everybody. So I backed up the afflicted games and I stopped buying new games that come bundled.
Soon they will bundle it with all games and I will stop buying here completely. Since from an installer with the installation of Galaxy checked ON by default, it is a small step to an installer without that checkbox. Without the option not to install the client. And that will be DRM.
I will keep coming here for the forum, since there are some nice people. But GOG will have lost me as a customer. And I hope that many, many more customers refuse to buy games that act as a sneaky installer for a client software. Perhaps then GOG will reverse that last, very customer unfriendly, decision.