mrkgnao: Feature request (nice to have):
If one turns off "automatically sort and display reviews on page load", then no reviews are displayed at all.
Can you change this behaviour so that GOG's default review display (some (currently 5) number of reviews in some (unknown) order) is shown instead.
It would be useful when talking to people who don't use AF, to be able to see what the hoi polloi see.
Also useful in order to notice changes in GOG's default display.
I am not commenting on your library display suggestions, since I no longer use the library page for anything (except testing AF upon your request), so I am not a target audience.
Yeah, I can't remember if that was necessary or not (I think it was a side effect of some of the things I tried to get the reviews working at all)... I'll have a play around and see if it can be changed.
No problem, I know it's either very important to people, or not particularly important so don't worry if you have no strong views.
I know you're one of the people who misses the old style of shelf, so if you wouldn't mind casting your eye over the options in
this post and letting me know what you think I would appreciate it.