jsidhu762: Would you recommend someone plays a game with spiders in it as a type of therapy?
Nope. That would warp their perception of spiders and convince them spiders are the most bloodthirsty predators in the universe. Most of Call Of Juarez is a straightforward western shooter. Then you reach a cave where for some kooky, unexplained reason, dozens of tarantulas will spot you from several meters and stalk you tirelessly for tens of meters. You can run but you cannot hide: they just
know where you are. Not only will they run, they will jump in order to bite you. 25-cm long spiders do not, in my experience, jump.
Then you have the nimble spiders from Dark Messiah Of Might & Magic, who eat Jack Russell terriers for breakfast, do the usual track-and-field performance, and, charmingly, cling to your face, occupying the whole screen for a couple of seconds (not unlike one the earlier Alien games). An arachnophobic's nightmare.
lettmon: I don't play the Metro games because I hear they have nasty spiders.
Actually, those are completely harmless and flee from you, so they might be useful for exposure therapy.