MadalinStroe: I'd be so curious to see some sales numbers, not that it would ever happen. For example how many more Descent keys, at 75% discount, were sold compared to Descent 2 or 3, at only 66%.
Or how many more Prince of Persia keys, at 75% discount, were sold compared to Prince of Persia 2, 3 or 2008, which were only 66%.
You could look at the Popular tab on the front page to get an idea. Those lists seem to be based only on very recent sales. The top of the list is usually those titles on sale in the past week.
I see:
#81: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
#99: Prince of Persia
#116: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
#128: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
So in this case, the Flash Deal is winning.
#134: Descent
#145: Descent 3 + Mercenary
#153: Descent 2
#290: Descent: Freespace Battle Pack
In both cases the Flash Deals are "winning". Not sure if it is based on number of units sold or dollars spent, but if the latter, it's even more impressive.