Aioriya: Anybody else getting a "not enough free space on disk" error when installing on a mac? I have 300 GB free and I cannot install, I keep getting this error. Gog gaming installer shows 113 GB download and 131 GB install size.
I'm taking a wild guess here, but it's probably your finder lying about free disk space, it's a known issue.
First check your disk utility program and find your data volume (normally it should be "Macintosh HD - Data"), this tells you the actual real free space. You can also check this with a terminal command: "df -H /" (without the quotes). Does it say something very different than your finder under "Avail(able)"? That's the problem.
Most likely it's local snapshots of time machine that are clogging up your disk space. They're supposed to be deleted after 24h, but well... To find out, use the terminal and run "tmutil listlocalsnapshots /" (again, without quotes), this will give you a list of the currently stored local snapshots. I'd wager there's several of them and they're way older than 24h.
I'm not an actual expert on these things, but I don't think there's any harm deleting them (I did so myself before). Just to be safe, if possible run a time machine backup on your backup drive before doing so.
You also should try just rebooting (that cleans up temporary caches for example) and run a first aid on your data volume using the disk utility (it's a button on the top menu of the window).
If that doesn't helpt, to delete the local snapshots open up a terminal and put in: "tmutil thinlocalsnapshots / 1000000000 1", this will force the system to purge them. Run a "df -H /" again to check whether that freed up space.
Here's a stackoverflow thread discussing this topic: Good luck!