dnovraD: Again, it's those pesky hangups about open source software and refusing to use automation tools that seems to have them chided.
Apparently a lot of big corps aren't keen on GPL3, presumably because of the onus to
keep it open.
Inno Setup, DOSBox and SCUMMVM are Free Software. But I see nothing new in that field in 10 years.
I have been bitten by automation ideas many times.
https : //xkcd.com/1319/
But the real benefit of automation, in my view, is consistency, reliability and scalability. That is important in any business.
I wonder if this kind of troubles are also manifested on the game updates pipeline. So many developers complain about it...
Anyway, I may be delusional, but I see so many talented and industrious people on this forum that I believe that, if if GOG would embrace and direct them, things could
really move forward. Pipe dreams would include:
- An official replacement for Galaxy, and several alternatives (e.g., for Linux). GOG could focus on their API, we would do the rest.
- Bittorrent + cryptography to create an alternative to that expensive CDN.
- Games running inside Virtual Machines (or Wine) to reduce those "it does not work for me" cases.
.Keys: Many times it can be that they don't know such tools exist
They first need to recognize there is a problem. Then they need to either try to address it or look for a solution outside.
I believe GOG devs are wizards! Getting old games to run requires a level of knowledge that few people can master. And they do that without the source code, sieving their solution between the game's requests and the modern OS' provides, none of the two budging. It is magic, I say!
Automation tools are something even the common man can use. What
is outside their reach is convincing management that taking 2 weeks of work to automate things they already can do right now (poorly?) is worth any money. Color themes for Galaxy, on the other hand...
I would love if GOG would cooperate more with Heroic, Lutris, and other projects. But whoever calls the shots seems to have other priorities. And I hope they are right.