richlind33: You fail to take into consideration that preorder DLC equals time and money that isn't invested in the base game, which is worse than useless -- it's detrimental to all end-users because you end up getting less, rather than more -- even if you preorder.
When did I do that? I agree and I'd personally rather developers invest more in the base game that's available for everybody.
You seriously don't read what the other person is writing and just make up stuff that you think they're writing as you go along. You do that whenever you post on any threads here. You missed the forest, the trees and a the teeny-tiny saplings, but having your head up your ass will do that to you. Poor guy.
EDIT: Well, let's see to what argument that I never made you'll reply this time.
Arguing with you is something like:
A: If you start at a point keep moving forward, you'll eventually arrive at back where you started, thus proving the earth is spherical.
B: That's doesn't really follow. It could mean the earth is a torus. I can think of tons of geometrical shapes with this property.
richlind: A much better question IMO is why do we still have a Flat Earth Society today.
B: What has that got to do with...
richlind: You can see the earth's curvature by observing ships on the horizon. How can you not notice that?
B: I was merely pointing out...
richlind: Galileo was tried by the Inquisition for supporting heliocentrism. But you still claim it's the sun that rotates around the earth.
B: ...