Waifu4Life: Why are people wishing for games that never had a PC port to begin with? Are GOG supposed to port the games themselves, create their own emulator or just distribute the ROMs/ISOs?
There's a bunch of reasons.
1. GOG want customers to get invested in them.
2. They also want game providers to get invested in them.
3. Putting something on a wishlist, is not necessarily about reality, it is often about a desire for something, and maybe hoping the right folk will see it and make the dream come true.
4. GOG work with many others, so it is not just about what GOG themselves may do.
5. It is not just about regular customers at GOG. Some could likely make an account at GOG, just to register a vote for some game they care about.
6. GOG can appear to some, perhaps many, as the last bastion of hope.
Take the N64 game Goldeneye. Many of us gamers would love to get a PC port of that, especially DRM-Free. So maybe enough interest shown here at GOG would encourage those who can make it happen, to do something about it. It is a long shot I know, but dreams often are. All it would take, is a change of heart at Nintendo.