han5macboy: Hi, so I just recently downloaded the installer from the site but when I tried to install it gives me this errors (see attachments).
pretty sure I have an internet connection working on... anybody have the same issue before?
thanks in advance.
Here is how to fix this issue.
1. Open Task Manager
2. Run the GoG Web installer
3. In task Manager right click on GOG installer and choose Open File Location
4. This will take you to C:\Users\jusername\AppData\Local\Temp\GalaxyInstaller_xxxx
5. Look for remoteconfig.json
2. Open the json file and look for the following:
3. Copy the above and past into your browser (don't hit Enter yet)
4. Modify it to look like this:
https://content-system.gog.com/open_link/download?path=/open/galaxy/client/ Then hit enter and you will be taken to the latest download.