Lord_Kane: Right? its also the setting, but dumb people want to be dumb.
GameRager: If it wasn't the setting would you still be
saying the same thing? Your argument on this post falls apart if the setting were changed.
The problem as I see it with anyone blowing off anyone's arguments as dumb/nonsense/crazy talk just makes it easier to not confront the possibility(however slight) that such people might be justified or right if even just a bit, and helps some maintain their cognitive dissonance/bias.
Rebuttal 1:
Okay, Fair, I am being a bit dismissive of some peoples arguments and that is not right, so I apologize.
Lord_Kane: Like to just show how much of a non-issue this is, One Angry Gamer, a semi-alt-right progamergate site, really hasnt even reported on this. and if they arent angry about it, then yeah.
why be angry?
GameRager: Good points....but I wish you and others wouldn't frame such sites unfairly(using alt-right and gamergate to paint both as being related and/or bad....etc).
Rebuttal 2:
I should have been more clear on this one by "semi-alt-right" I was more referring to elements of the reader base as the comments often include alt-right talking points and certain terms and phrases used by them.
One Angry Gamer being pro-gamergate is a fact, what I left out was my thoughts on gamergate, so any positive or negative connections are left up to the reader of my statement. I have never even stated my thoughts on gamergate here or anywhere else, so if you think I am being negative about it, that is 100% coming from you and not from myself.
I read One Angry Gamer everyday, its nice to have an alternative news source that isn't aligned with sites like resetera. so my statements are not trying paint it as bad, in fact I am glad its around, it is you who are making assumptions here, not me, but some of those assumptions are from my poor clarifications so, sorry about that.
And with that I am bowing out of this, so you can love it or hate it or dislike it or downrep me to oblivion and I am sure I have lost the respect of some people here because of this thread but I am now officially leaving it and letting it continue to its fate. so GameRager if you reply to this, I will return to reply but I will keep my responses very terse.
but for the rest of you (even those downrepping me) Have a good day and dont let this thread get you down.
It was even kinda stupid for me to wade into this debate anyways.....