SpecShadow: NeoGaf and ResetEra have good fundaments - don't be mean to each other. In reality? It's full of toxic people baiting and provoking people so they get banned by trigger-happy moderators. They want respect but don't respect anyone.
Sounds like 4chan but at least there can make some interesting creation among their own cesspool...
And they got no sense of humor, whatsoever.
I wouldn't delete that tweet but whatever.
NeoGaf isn't that bad anymore, not since the all the crazies moved to ResetEra. It's actually worth using now, and from what I can tell you no longer get banned for simply having an opinion.
As far this debacle (how many are we up to now with CDP and social media accounts?) wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm not. It's bad enough to get yourself into this mess... it's even worse to then bow down and apologize wherever someone is offended. News flash CDPR / GOG it's 2018, everyone is offended about something. They will get over it (and hopefully grow as individuals because of it). This sheltered life that people are living in this day and age is beyond more harmful then what any one person could say with words.
I'm buying less and less from GOG recently and using it far less. This is by no means the primarly reason why, but I am quite tired of companies having no backbone and this is probably the final nail in the coffin for me.
EDIT: Also what is happening to that employee is wrong and I hope CDPR takes action to protect him or her rather than punishing said employee.