P. Zimerickus: Your comment might have held merit if other games had popped the question. Let me tell you, they didn't. I'm not one to be holdup by special treatment cases!
Software Only and per fact. i already own the game on my steam account.
If there was just the question to be popped, some blame could be placed on Paradox or Triumph (although considering the increasing amount of WTFery I have experienced as a developer on Windows systems over the years, even that has a question mark).
However, if the question pops up three hours later something is very wrong with your system.
P. Zimerickus: I understand you. You hold Paradox dear. Its'a nice developer...
I don't really. They produce games in a niche I'm rather interested in but there is also plenty to be annoyed about with them. I do however get slightly vexed when nonsense gets thrown around, especially if there are so many more reasonable areas of criticism.
A couple of years ago the guys in the main office complained that opening the freshly generated installer took too long. I'm cutting out a lot of noise and screaming but the end result was: some security suite on their side would refuse to execute anything if it hadn't seen it before. The installer was freshly generated and freshly signed, so no one had run this before. Everyone who tried it out would start an upload of a few tens of megabytes, it would run in a sandbox on that security suite's servers and then the hash would be added to their database of "okay" software. But until that completed every single instance of the installer would hang.
At some point this stopped. Not because we changed anything (because there was really nothing we could do, the damn thing was already signed by a very reputable code signing service), that security suite just dropped a predictable stupid policy.
And let's not get into some interactions with end users. Sure, sometimes software is legitimately broken. But then you have people without any drivers, with several security suites actively working against each other or systems most likely infected by several kinds of malware. And they still blame you. Despite the fact that you know it works for hundreds or thousands of users and a handful are screaming at you.
And I repeat: if a permission request dialog takes multiple hours to pop up on your end, something is broken there.