Testing what keyword needs to be omitted before GOG will actually let me post the freakin' message...
edit: The plural form of "learning" is
banned for some reason. :|
OldFatGuy: WTF is going on here. I did find a demo on Steam, and while not downloading it and playing it, looking at the screenshots leaves me flabbergasted at a $99.99 price.
For anybody else wondering about it, the last Kickstarter update was a month ago:
Since the last update, we've been working on the battle system and puzzles. We've incorporated all of our [learning] from the feedback from the demo, and we've worked hard in order to create something fresh and interesting. And this is the main subject of our September Update!
Below is from their "
Oddstarter Update!" from November 19, 2022.
We set our initial release date thinking about the stretch goals we were able to reach on the kickstarter campaign, however the team and I have decided to go beyond the last stretch goal we have reached in terms of content. We worked very hard on this project and we want to release a game we are truly proud of and we don’t want to have to cut content or rush the development to be able to release before the year ends. We feel like if we did that the game wouldn’t be what we want it to be. We are currently loosely aiming for Q2 2023 but we don’t have a date set in stone.
Gussin' the price tag was in error, though.