ET3D: The good thing about board games is that they're a lot simpler than video games. A lot (most?) of the money goes to fulfillment, and the stretch goals are mainly art plus rules, nothing like new game systems or new platforms.
Um nope. if your videogame overfunds and was budgeted at all better than
Your World, you just do what you were going to do and rake in the profits. Digital products scale well, that's the whole point. Even if you planned to host the installer in your dropbox and email people the link and now you have to build a storefront for backers so that everyone could start playing within the same decade, you can just go ahead and pay for that. You're only screwed if you go money crazy and off rails DF-style.
If your physical product overfunds and was budgeted
well for the
anticipated volume, you may still be fucked by the volume alone. That's why NeoLucida sold out on Day 1: they threw their hands up and said, "Nope, this is the volume we're willing to handle, you can still donate two bux and get preferential treatment from our mass-market partners." (They still budged eventually, but not as much as they could have, and that's why their funding curve
looks like this.)
ET3D: sult (at least as good as if they had just reached the goal). Unless they go crazy and start buying fast cars and fast women....
I missed the drama, and I imagine it's buried in the comments now. What was it about?
shane-o: Facebook has some details, arguing, and general idiocy if you're interested
HERE Lol, the hypocrisy. At least one other game isn't going to get made any time soon because of the "professional" behavior of some people there. Paul Trowe may be a hateful asshole, but holy shit, if you have a problem with people, call them out instead of gossiping behind their backs. Fuck this incestuous slushpit.