DoomSooth: It was useless years before it existed? I guess that could be true, if you count initial development time. :)
Galaxy cannot possibly be useless, given that it is the only possible way to have gameplay time tracking, and cloud saves, and Achievements, on GOG games.
And Galaxy is also the only good way to download the offline installers for GOG games, since the website download links are way too tedious & cumbersome & aggravating to bother with, and require way too many clicks, and they have a number mismatch on top of that (the file names as they are listed on the GOG website versus the file names that actually become downloaded when you save them), all of which makes using the GOG website to download offline installers a massive aggravation that is never worth doing.
Some GOG customers don't like those things I've described in the paragraphs above, but that still doesn't make Galaxy "useless." At most, it makes Galaxy "useless"
to them.
But it's definitely not useless to all GOG customers, including the many who use those features, and who need Galaxy in order to use them.