mystikmind2000: Yea.... and sometimes i think that i probably should never become famous because then my internet activity would come to light! hahahahahaha
MightyPinecone: Yeah, the politicians of tomorrow are gonna have a tough time, no doubt. ;)
Hahahaha, well if i was to become a politician i will first become a rap artist, do drugs, assault someone, get arrested, then become a politician and after all that, the rest wont be interesting!
Kleetus: Freaking hate YouTube on my Android TV, no way to turn off Autoplay.
PixelBoy: YouTube autoplay is one of the most annoying Internet "innovations" ever.
I really can't see how anyone can actually like that feature.
Not sure whether it's a good or bad thing, but autoplay even means less commenting on videos, and if they actually have the commenting feature one would assume that they would try to make commenting as easy as possible.
Oh yea.... how many times i have been in the middle of reading an interesting comment and boom - get Fxxxed off somewhere else and then have to go back and find the comment again. That is SUPER annoying