Posted September 24, 2015

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Jul 2015
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2015
I wouldn't even want to play the DLCs if they were for free because that would mean I need to play it longer to complete it.
I played that game on my PS4 (don't like Origin and I got it for free from our library) it was incredibly awful (like a singleplayer MMO in some aspects even worse than a lot of F2P MMOs for example the Battle-System or the jumping parts)
I played that game on my PS4 (don't like Origin and I got it for free from our library) it was incredibly awful (like a singleplayer MMO in some aspects even worse than a lot of F2P MMOs for example the Battle-System or the jumping parts)

Night Owl
Registered: Jul 2015
From Ireland

Registered: Oct 2013
From Turkey
Posted September 24, 2015
DA:I was the most boring Bioware game I have every played. So much that we (me and my friend) stoped playing after level 10. "Collect 10 sheep skin?" WTF. Why am I supposed to do these lame MMORPG guests in a single player game? After around 10 hours of gameplay, there wasnt even a single time where we got excited. Characters are boring. Even Morrigan and Varric cant save the game.
There are far better games out there. If you really want it, wait until the GOY edition is down to 20$.
There are far better games out there. If you really want it, wait until the GOY edition is down to 20$.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2015
How exactly does a game get the title "Game of the Year"? Is it just the studio's opinion or has it to do with votings or sales data?

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia
Posted September 24, 2015
This game got 130 Game of the year Awards from critics, pc magazines and gaming websites. Basically the so called Game of the Year edition is basically Gold Edition with every dlc included.
Post edited September 24, 2015 by Matruchus

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted September 24, 2015

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted September 24, 2015

If Witcher 3 came out in the same year as Shadow of Mordor it would have been destroyed by people who played Witcher 3 earlier (aswell as DA:I)
Anyway what 2014 game you feel deserves GOTY?

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted September 24, 2015
Shadowrun Dragonfall DC, Wasteland 2 or Dvinity: Original Sin definitely deserved more the RPG of the year title than DA:I. As for the GOTY...unghhh...that should have remained blank.
The triple A stuff is really bad lately. So far, the only exception is Witcher 3. The milked franchises definitely got worse by the year
For the 2015 end of the year we have expansions for games released last year (The Crew: Wild Run, Civilization Beyond Earth - Rising Tide, Sims4: Get Together), console ports (FF V, Samurai Warriors IV - II, Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul) or sequels (COD BLOPS 3, AC: Syndicate, M&M: Heroes VII, Fallout 4, FIFA 16, Starcraft II - Legacy of the Void, Anno 2205, Football Manager 2016, Star Wars Battlefront). Most of the more interesting games were pushed for th next years (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Hitman, Just Cause 3, XCOM 2) and so did some of the less interesting ones (NFS, MIrror's Edge, Tom Clancy's The Division)
Luckily we get some more Witcher 3, some nice AA ( How to Survive 2, American Truck Simulator, Sword Coast Legends, FF V on PC, Tales of Zestiria) and enhanced editions for Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin and Van Helsing.
Overall, this was a rather bad year for AAA games on PC and i suspect that the costs for doing a good AAA game played an important role (plus no one is taking the risk of doing a new and original game, because, you know... shareholders)
I confess that the indie and the AA titles are catering better my tastes by now, so not seeing rehashed AAA games doesn't feel like a loss for me. Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis and many others kept me a lot busier than let's say Civilization: Beyond Earth. Shadowrun, Divinity, Pillars or Wasteland provided more hours of enjoyment than DA:I. And i could go on. The only thing i miss is a good racing game, something in the vein of the NFS3-5, Underground 1/2, Most Wanted or even Carbon or something like the original Test Drive Unlimited.
The triple A stuff is really bad lately. So far, the only exception is Witcher 3. The milked franchises definitely got worse by the year
For the 2015 end of the year we have expansions for games released last year (The Crew: Wild Run, Civilization Beyond Earth - Rising Tide, Sims4: Get Together), console ports (FF V, Samurai Warriors IV - II, Saint Seya: Soldier's Soul) or sequels (COD BLOPS 3, AC: Syndicate, M&M: Heroes VII, Fallout 4, FIFA 16, Starcraft II - Legacy of the Void, Anno 2205, Football Manager 2016, Star Wars Battlefront). Most of the more interesting games were pushed for th next years (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Hitman, Just Cause 3, XCOM 2) and so did some of the less interesting ones (NFS, MIrror's Edge, Tom Clancy's The Division)
Luckily we get some more Witcher 3, some nice AA ( How to Survive 2, American Truck Simulator, Sword Coast Legends, FF V on PC, Tales of Zestiria) and enhanced editions for Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin and Van Helsing.
Overall, this was a rather bad year for AAA games on PC and i suspect that the costs for doing a good AAA game played an important role (plus no one is taking the risk of doing a new and original game, because, you know... shareholders)
I confess that the indie and the AA titles are catering better my tastes by now, so not seeing rehashed AAA games doesn't feel like a loss for me. Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis and many others kept me a lot busier than let's say Civilization: Beyond Earth. Shadowrun, Divinity, Pillars or Wasteland provided more hours of enjoyment than DA:I. And i could go on. The only thing i miss is a good racing game, something in the vein of the NFS3-5, Underground 1/2, Most Wanted or even Carbon or something like the original Test Drive Unlimited.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom

Don't ignore Tux
Registered: Jun 2011
From Slovenia

Registered: Feb 2010
From Finland

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted September 24, 2015

I can't understand why others don't love Far Cry 2 the way I do, but there you go. Pitäkööt tunkkinsa.
As for Dragon Age... ok I seem to have the first game as a freebie on my Origin account, without the expansion pack. Maybe I should try it sometime, but then I'd like to play the complete edition instead, not the barebones freebie. Awkward.
I have no idea what game should be GOTY 2014 because I am unsure if I've played any 2014 game, besides maybe some indie game.
Post edited September 24, 2015 by timppu

Registered: Feb 2010
From Finland
Posted September 24, 2015

I can't understand why others don't love Far Cry 2 the way I do, but there you go. Pitäkööt tunkkinsa.
As for Dragon Age... ok I seem to have the first game as a freebie on my Origin account, without the expansion pack. Maybe I should try it sometime, but then I'd like to play the complete edition instead, not the barebones freebie. Awkward.
I have no idea what game should be GOTY 2014 because I am unsure if I've played any 2014 game, besides maybe some indie game.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted September 24, 2015

I can't understand why others don't love Far Cry 2 the way I do, but there you go. Pitäkööt tunkkinsa.
As for Dragon Age... ok I seem to have the first game as a freebie on my Origin account, without the expansion pack. Maybe I should try it sometime, but then I'd like to play the complete edition instead, not the barebones freebie. Awkward.
I have no idea what game should be GOTY 2014 because I am unsure if I've played any 2014 game, besides maybe some indie game.
I hate some of the stuff of DA2 (the ninja reinforcements, the copy/pasted dungeons, the fecth quests). What i do not hate: the story and most of the characters. And the story DLC's are quite fun.