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Post edited March 11, 2017 by Fairfox
Whoa, plenty of questions.

Yup, every night.
Nightmares? Rarely. I do recall having the same nightmare (falling in slow motion) about 3 times. Weird indeed.
I'm neither a light nor a heavy (err, sound?) sleeper. Either the slightest noise wakes me up or I can sleep through a thunderstorm. Depends.
A few months back there was a moderate earthquake (around 1am) - leapt out of bed in a heartbeat, haha.
There are no recurring themes, just random, silly...things. I've noticed however that lucid dreams seem to occur rather frequently as of late. Having some degree of control over your dream(s) is amazing.

Heard about Among the Sleep, seemed interesting, never tried it though. Apparently it takes up to 3 hours to complete.
there was a period when i tried very hard to give up on masturbating... :'( i did my best but i just can't do it... so one night i dream that i detached my dick and i placed it in a drawer from my room. there was no blood or pain it was like a lizard detaches its tail if a predator grabs it. i think first thing i did in the morning was to check if i still have my dick between my legs :P
patrikc: Whoa, plenty of questions.

Yup, every night.
Nightmares? Rarely. I do recall having the same nightmare (falling in slow motion) about 3 times. Weird indeed.
I'm neither a light nor a heavy (err, sound?) sleeper. Either the slightest noise wakes me up or I can sleep through a thunderstorm. Depends.
A few months back there was a moderate earthquake (around 1am) - leapt out of bed in a heartbeat, haha.
There are no recurring themes, just random, silly...things. I've noticed however that lucid dreams seem to occur rather frequently as of late. Having some degree of control over your dream(s) is amazing.

Heard about Among the Sleep, seemed interesting, never tried it though. Apparently it takes up to 3 hours to complete.
Fairfox: Yaaah. I always tend tooo, liek, throw a lot o' questions in, becaaause then peeps can cherry pick what they want. Better too-too many than too-too few! :)

I has lots of dreams but they're usually lite 'n' fluffy. I talked about Crumples teh unicorn before (elsewhere) but regardless nevah fo' realz has nitemares.

Anybody with gamin' dreams (I guesses I should tie it in with this site, hey?)? Anybody has dreams taht 'come true'? Anybody with déjà vu dreams?

Anybody with gamin' dreams (I guesses I should tie it in with this site, hey?)? Anybody has dreams taht 'come true'? Anybody with déjà vu dreams?
I have dreams that often play out like video games with rules and even hud readouts. They don't start out that way usually, but they sometimes end up as gaming adventures. May have something to do with most of my gaming happening right before I go to bed.
Have you read the Rare Bit Fiends comics collections? Great stuff for anybody interested in dreams or dream journalling.
Had a dream where I roamed around a building with a buddy and saw a guy with no eyes and a snake moving inside his head so we ran out into the hallway. I started coughing and a cobra snake came out of my mouth and blood started pouring from my eyes. I started yelling at my buddy to figure out what the indian man really did.

Side note-

Indian man- IRL my buddy told me a story while he was guarding a nuclear silo that some random old indian man appeared out of nowhere, chanting and then blew some powder on him and walked away.
Post edited March 13, 2017 by Fairfox