rtcvb32: Alright, well learned a few new things for the svt-av1 codec. with keyint set higher than 2-3 seconds, a lot of space can be saved, and if you set a bitrate, lookahead to 120 frames will help too.
Curiously this looks like:
-svtav1-params 'keyint=1000:lookahead=120' Of course 1000 frames is about 33 seconds if 30fps, just means exact seeking is less likely but the space tradeoff is worth it in my mind.
Doubt there's much more to really get. Though on still image mp4's (
like albums or snes mixes) 3kbit for video is sufficient (
though i also did 1fps, so...)
Thanks for keep sharing your encoding adventure
rtcvb32! :)
I have some questions if you dont mind,
Have you found accurate final size calculators?
Whats the source of all the codecs you are using? A pack? K-lite? Are free beer?
Whats the standard FPS nowadays? 30, 60 & maybe above?
Are NTSC (29.97) & PAL (25) still a thing?
Do those parameters kind-of rely on the the old divx concepts?
With keyframes as the baseline where compression happens:
From there, -only changes are saved-
for every following frame until the next keyframe
The perfect fit for "long standstill-esque" video sequences
for obvious reasons
And its drawbacks:
-The seek feature to the user (as you mentioned)
-The streaming cost, if the keyframe transmission fails,
the thing needs to be retransmited
(starting from the last OK keyframe)
A life saver here could be the decoder/vplayer logic,
giving priority to keep the business going
at the trade of a "broken picture" until the playback
reaches the next keyframe...
-Computing resources required to decode (Still apply on this GPU era?)
-The permanent loss of quality: Poor chances to restore the theoric original
-The distant the keyframes, the higher chance
of sound going terribly out of sync (My hell experience...
with uncompressed audio as the -only- maybe-exception)
So basically back to my dvd rip days,
I ended up using some default preset with multi pass
as the time needed to compress was the least of my concerns
(compared to the final video quality, cpu power to decode,
estimate accurate final filesize to fill the entire CD,
variable playback speed, true playability on the vplayers of my like,
seek, easily & correctly start playing at any given point,
ease to marry external subtitles, mux 2 audio tracks,
ease to use in containers mkv-ogg, aspect ratio...)
And honestly, I filed all those advanced/special parameters
& complexities to the -useful for (realtime) streaming-...
What are your comments on those drawbacks/concerns?
Thanks again & happy encoding!