sonrix: Looks like Gog has raised the prices for the old games so that even with the discounts they are much more expensive than before.
I tended to buy one or two games each month in the price range of 1-3 Euros. But there is almost nothing and nothing interesting anymore. The prices of game on my wishlist are also much higher than before...
Guess inflation hit gog..
As others have said, it is likely not down to GOG these price rises.
I understand your angst, though I am prepared to spend more than you.
There is clearly a move afoot across the board in many cases, for the regular price of many games to rise and many have done so. It is a risk if you ask me, because we have so many more games to choose from these days.
I can only look at my GOG Wishlist, which currently has 968 entries on it, and shake my head. Price is why that total is so large. I would probably go out and buy 50 games tomorrow if the prices dropped to what they should be.
I refuse to be forced into paying more than I should. And luckily, due to the likes of Epic and Steam and even GOG at times, along with and Indie Gala, and even (shudder) Humble, I have managed to get many free or very cheap games over the years, so my backlog is huge (just cracked 2,000 library entries at GOG alone).
So I suggest you make the most of what is available in your price range, from wherever. Not to mention all the good free ones available or that regularly turn up at various stores.
There are lots of good games out there at good prices, so don't be trapped into thinking you must have any one game ... though admittedly hard in some cases, which is why I tend to avoid even looking at games with high prices, and try to prevent creating urges for games in the first place. What I don't know about, cannot bother me or test my patience.
Patience is a virtue, so they say. And if enough of us refused to buy at inflated prices, they would eventually come down. But as they also say, fools and their money are easily parted, and that seems the way of the world now.