To respond a little to all this. There are several things going on here. Firstly, keep in mind that Steam allows micro-patching, whcih is easy to ditribute becuse most steam user are auto-patching, the backend has a system in pace for it (that delivers the patches in correct order even if auto-patthing is turned off), and the developers have access to the backend of Steam to easily deploy the micro-patches. gOg also have a framework for micro-patching via Galaxy
MIcro-patches are basically very small patches which are only meant to fix a single bug / issue / whatever. Micro-patching can be very benefitial to a developer, it lests them focus on one issue at the time, as well as it makes it easier to test patches as there is not several different things that can go wrong. A roll back is easy, as there was only one change. I have feeling that what is happeing in a sitation like described here is thst there has been a series of micro-patches.
so what is the issue then? it is a matter of parity, which many users complain about when there is a lack of parity between the different stores. As seen in these forums, there is very little dis-parity needed before people are complaining (I remember some complaints about some patches that cam on Steam and not here that people complained about, the patch was fixing an issue with Steam Workshop integration :))..
Why not wait and collect all micrro-patches into a large patch? what about installers? well, not we get into a different issue. One reason why some developers do not publish the games on different stores, is more work for different systems. then the complaint is - why the problem, it is all PC games, it is the same, bad developers and so on. If the developers are having a workflow based on micro-patchesm then the issue is that it will be different versions, and they can basically not collect "all patchess" into a large patch. Those large patches have to be built seperaty, which then do lead to more work. This is especially an issue for stand-alone off line installers, which is not what micro-patching is based on at all.
If I understand the workflow correctly, the installers are not built by the developers, but by gOg. They basically get the patch and build the installer here. So all they can do is to take the micro-patch, then build a installer around that patch (or puch the micro-patch directly on Galaxy). gOg do not have the right (nor the actuall indepth knowledge of the game code) to make a collection of patches that they can then give to the users and that will work. The bottom line here is then what do people actually want, and if they do then can they complain about it
TLDR: You cannot have your cake and eat it to.
(which is actually a very silly saying.... the whole point about having a cake is to eat it. what else are you supposed to do? sit and stare at it unitl it rots and you have to chuck it away?)
Post edited November 08, 2023 by amok