Posted September 29, 2015

This is a really good analysis of the situation and some good points. What I'm wondering though, is why have you voted flub if you believe trent is lying? Or am I just misunderstanding the point of that first section of analysis?
Additionally, his general attitude is on the hostile/ non-cooperative side, yet expects everyone to take his breadcrumbing word that he's town. Something he was far from willing to do in the case of yogsloth.

Of the two I think trent is the obvious lynch target:
1) If he flips scum then there's a good chance flub is scum (why would scum save a townie from lynch? Unless it was purely for town points, but that only works if flub is confirmed or flips town). The same can't necessarily be said in reverse, as trent could have mistakenly leapt to flub's defence thinking he was town.
I've being thinking about this, and there's a chance that it's true. But the problem I have with it are the two DVDs he mentioned. You may say that clues are open to interpretation, granted. I asked you if you're familiar with the two films, and you said you weren't. I then suggested you read up on the plot of each, I assume that you didn't.
The two films share a prevailing, positive for town, theme, and even the perceived main baddies are not the actual baddies.
So, I asked myself (and that's why I made that comment about hoping the mod is not that much of a bastard) - if the goal was to point him to "flubbucket is scum", would the mod give him two clues that could mislead him so much as to exonerate scum?

2) [...] Whereas flub (if he is town) has a yet to be confirmed role which may be of use to us.
I thought about a misguided town-flubbucked using his power on yogsloth on N1 (would fit with what yogsloth posted), but flubbucket denies to have used it, plus he made a quite strong statement that he doubts that yogsloth was roleblocked. If he's town and used it, why lie about it? I may be reading his post #1138 wrong, but the only one that could shed light on this is flubbucket, and I somehow doubt he's willing to do so.

3) There seems to be more evidence to suggest he may be lying about his role or actions.

So unless yogsloth completely misunderstood the N1 visit, a scum role-blocking power of some sort should still be in the game.
As for N2 and your D - I'm assuming that a townie was blocked, but may not have not fully understood what happened, or may not want to come forward (yet). Are you perhaps suggesting that yogsloth did not have a visit of such nature on N1? Why would he have lied about it? He didn't about anything else.
As I said, I may not have covered everything or even covered it full-proof. Why don't you tell us what you think the situation is like and who the remaining scum may be?
Which part of "recurring" did you miss?