shadowkatt64: I have a product in my cart that is free, but
because I do not have any current funds, it will not let me get it even tho it is free. Why is this?
Are you sure it's because of lacking funds?
Because I would assume the same as PixelBoy:
you tried to claim the Skyrim Total Conversion "Enderal: Forgotten Stories"?
The hint that you need to own a legal copy of "Skyrim"
(here on GOG) is a little more hidden, than usual:
Enderal is free and can be played by anyone owning a legal copy of TES V: Skyrim."
(on the total conversion's page, under the picture of the map) Usually, there's a notice saying something like: "To play this game, you also need: [name of main game]"
I guess, GOG didn't add that little info to this game, since it's not a DLC, but a total conversion?