Guter: Thank you!
I don't want it to store larger amounts of data (config files or similar would be OK) on the system drive.
I too do not wish to clutter my OS partition with stuff that isn't essential to run the OS and a few apps that I have always installed on all of my computers, so not only have moved the folder away from the ProgramData and linked it back with a junction point, I have done the same for all savegame folders too as I got tired of moving most of the saves away before imaging my OS partition and then copying them back and then having to remember to use a liveCD or otherwise access the OS partition to backup the saves again if I ever needed to restore the OS from an image.
Now everything is much simpler as not only can I easily backup the new gamesaves folder separately from imaging the OS, I could also copy it to another computer, check the batch-file in it to see the original paths for the saves and see if there are any saves on that computer I might like to keep before removing any existing folders and then possibly edit the batch file if the account name and/or drive letter in the paths need to be changed before running it to create any missing junction points.
But beware! As I tried this also on my notebook that I used for testing Galaxy 2.0, I accidentally had mistyped the path while creating the junction point and then as I tried to launch the client it broke itself so utterly that even after purging the registry manually from anything that even remotely seems to be related to GOG and/or the client before reinstalling it, the client still gets stuck while being launched until it eventually offers me to write a crash report. So unless there is some hidden value still on my computer that causes this, I can only suspect that the incident somehow caused the client to inform GOG to revoke my beta access on the server side without notifying me about that...