nicohvc: Next person really wants to watch SW episode VII but have so issues to resolve first.
sorry purpl3, i was delayed with my post... hmm 're u talking about the new movie? don't spoil please u.u
dtgreene: I have already watched Episode VII, actually.
Next person decided to see Star Wars Episode VII only after reading spoilers. (I actually would not have seen the movie if I weren't spoiled, and I am guessing the next user is the same.)
RIght, i have already watched spoilers and i do not want to see the movie anytime soon (though i have friends who insist to go with them :S Guess i will make them pay for the ticket, if they dont want to pay i wont go because i am going for them, not for the movie :D )
Next person thinks that a bigger Death Star is more evil and more bad ass!!