BreOl72: Had the same happen recently.
While the game's installation process, the CMD window opened to install/update (?) something called "Image management tool". The game, respectively its installer file are pretty old, so I simply assumed, my Win10 system had to enable some extra stuff, to make the old game run properly.
If you're referring to DISM, it could be evoking that to get Windows to install DirectPlay. You can do the same thing manually with:-
dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /NoRestart
Other command line tools GOG installers call include sdbinst (used to 'patch' Windows to disable ALT-TAB inside specific games). Several of them here, eg, Dark Fall : The Journal force disable ALT-TAB because ALT-Tabbing out either gets 'stuck' in Windows and be unable to return to the game / crashes the game / some other glitches, eg, Windows gets stuck in 640x480 256 color mode, etc.