Posted October 06, 2015

Then you have the people who bank way too much of their self-esteem in video games, to the point that they'll use the term as a "I'm better than you, I didn't have to save scum my way through such-and-such section" insult.

Personally, if I've had to save scum my way through a game (which I recently had to do with American McGee's Alice because of that game's appallingly bad collision detection and physics), I feel very little sense of achievement, just as if I'm forced to use a walkthrough to circumvent wholly illogical puzzles or engine bugs.
You have to ask yourself - do you just want an interactive storyline, do you want a challenge, or do you want to experiment with gaming the system? I'm sure save scumming is acceptable when you're trying to game the system, or if you just want to experience the storyline with little challenge, but I don't think anyone should kid themselves that they've actually achieved much if they complete a game by constantly hammering the F5/F8 keys and eventually getting lucky.
If you want a challenge, you need to be able to handle appropriate penalties for poor performance and to be able to deal with the luck of the draw.
And as I said, if a game is so poorly designed as to actually require save scumming to even be playable (e.g. JA: Unfinished Business as Avogadro6 pointed out), that doesn't speak well for the game.
Post edited October 06, 2015 by darthspudius