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I was wondering what games you've purchased on GOG that you were initially reluctant to buy, but decided to take a chance and buy it ... and were glad you did! I think the game that surprised me the most was The Flame In The Flood.
Wing Commander: Privateer was one. I recall I tried the game in the pre-GOG days from HotUD or Abandonia and I tried a 3D homebrew remake, but neither one appealed to me. I must have picked it up on a sale, and when I was playing through the entire Wing Commander saga, this one became my favorite. I enjoyed the setting, the progression system, the presentation, and the story, all the elements together just rubbed me the right way.

Another was Postal 2. I didn't like the demo back in the day, so I don't know why I picked it up here. But, trying to play through the game without hurting anyone (and failing) turned out to be so much fun. The first expansion that forced you to kill to get through was less fun, but still had some amusing elements like the Mad Cow Tourette's Zombies.
ArmA series: I wasnt gonna buy it because COD made me disinterested in modern military shooters. However Arma turned out to be a great, if not a bit of a clunky game. Not to mention the game is no longer sold on GOG

TES: Battlespire This is going to be a bit of a strange one because I know many people don't like this game. Critisism (both warrented and warrented) aside, it actually was a fun game which would have bee much better given a little more development time.

Xenonauts The number of 3 star reviews the game has caused me to put off buying the game for quite some time. The game turned out to be better than user reviews indicated.

Gothic series: I wasnt sure what to expect with this series but after playing it the first time, I'm glad I did.
never winternights 2
i dont like reading in games, yet most of the community that plays CRPGs seems to feel the opposite. so i couldnt find reviews that mentioned VO in the game.
i purchassed the game after a significant discount. generally fun game with more VO than i expected. the gameplay is worth the few unvoiced lines so far.
wizards suck in the game, so... there is that.
Gothic 2. Bought in on impulse during a sale, despite having never even heard of the series before then. It turned out to be pretty snazzy. Some might even say it was the bee's knees.
Realms of the Haunting. Expected a clunky, outdated piece of software, was taken on a grand adventure spanning mythical worlds. Something in that game just clicked for me despite the simplistic combat for an FPS.
Uplink - Hacker Elite : I bought the game when it was on sale for less than 1 €, and the fun I had with it was well worth the price.
Unavowed - Not a point and click fan at all, but the story and world caught my eye. So far it's my favourite game of 2018!
Dead Space.

I thought it would be really slow and full of jump scares, which I don't like.

But, I took a chance and bought it on sale.

Turns out the game was great. Lots of action and the horror elements didn't feel forced. The worst part was the turning speed was tied to the framerate. That was easy to fix though. I just turned off Vsync in game (which was set to 30 fps) and then i turned on Vsync in my video card driver settings and set it to 60fps.

Fear 2.

I knew I'd like the gameplay, I just hated the hud. Thankfully, I learned how to modify shaders in memory which let me disable the hud without needing to edit any of the game's files.
fear2-01.jpg (258 Kb)
Post edited October 16, 2018 by hudfreegamer
Elex- I love Gothic Series and have played it on and off since release but hated Risen so i was highly skeptical of Elex but ended up really enjoying the game despite it's flaws here and there, it's good where it matters imo and i love the progression, world etc.

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl- Today this might be seem strange but back in the day pre release there was a lot of negativity surrounding this game and the development hell it went through so the hope that the game was to be good at release was slim but it ended up being one of my favourite experiences in gaming as well as many others along with Call of Pripyat.

Battle Brothers- it doesn't look like much visually and the studio/developer was new but i love the game and how it plays.

Mount and Blade Warband- The reception wasn't the best and the game didn't look like much and back when it released the game wasn't as popular as it is now so it was hard finding decent impressions about the game but i gave it a try and yup M&B is seriously addictive.
Post edited October 16, 2018 by ChrisGamer300
Crosscode, that released last month.

My PC has died a couple of months ago and all I have at the moment is my laptop, which is very low end and crap. I mostly just use it to study and work, so my gaming options are quite limited at the moment. I also don't really have a lot of time to play since I have been quite busy these days.

In any case, even with my limited time and crap laptop, I still wanted to play something. I saw this game, Crosscode, at Steam first in my recommendation tab for whatever reason. This game in particular didn't see like my type. I never really enjoyed the RPGs from the 16-bit era. Most of them were all pretty much only boring JRPG in my opinion, and I'm not fond of JRPG in general, but nevertheless, I decided to give it a shot. It promised lots of things like a big campaing, nice combat system and all that. Besides, it's not like I can really play any recent titles right now anyway with this crap laptop.

I'm happy that I bought it here. The game is quite fun and I enjoyed the story quite a bit as well. Maybe the dungeons are a bit too heavy on the puzzles though. I don't mind them and they can be fun to solve, but I wish it had less.
Dex. I don't normally like platformers, and the idea of a platformer/rpg I didn't think would work very well, but I'm a sucker for cyberpunk stuff so I gave it a try. Its turned out to be probably one of my favourite games of the last few years.

I thought it was some underwaterish Amnesia, I was wrong. Great atmosphere and story and all, but what makes this game so great imo is the deep choices you have to make, some time. These choices will not change the end or the story, but they will affect yourself, as a player. Great experience for sure.
* Age of Decadence; proved to be one of the best cRPGs i've played, even if it has its share of flaws.
* Dead Space; technical problems aside (bad port but easily fixable), i enjoyed it a lot.
* NEO Scavenger; it has been on my wishlist for a while but then some day i pulled the trigger; glad i did because it's a very good game, albeit a difficult one.
Charon121: Realms of the Haunting. Expected a clunky, outdated piece of software, was taken on a grand adventure spanning mythical worlds. Something in that game just clicked for me despite the simplistic combat for an FPS.
Excellent game; i played it on release and back then it used to be creepy enough, something that is lost now since it aged a lot (well, one could say it was already aged on release..). Still, the atmosphere is there, even without all the modern VFX.
For me that would be Yooka-Laylee. Hesitant at first due to the price tag and my student budget, I skipped a few sales before buying it. It took a while to accept the differences from the Banjo-Kazooie series, but when I did, boy did I have fun. I have 100% or near 100 completion rate in all the levels, I'm at the last level now, soon I'll get around to finish it and collect everything!

Otherwise my wishlist is full of those games. It's hard to say if I'll like em or not. I hope I can add them to this list eventually XD