The tenth round of this giveaway is over.
The participants where:
13ison, 1Byte2Bits, (ø,ø), Accatone, actapb, aCyborg, Admiral_Tolwyn, Aerylias, ariaspi, arsalan12, ASTROASS,
AWG43, babark, Bakuman84, bluethief, Braggadar, Bragnoldo, briareoushex, calebfanguy271, Clankgamer,
csanjuro, Curtainferno, DiffuseReflection, drxenija, eiii, erbello, Friedrich_Schoff, fug4life, Geralt_of_Rivia,
GoldenWolfe, greeleyg, grynn, HanselPete, IronArcturus, Jackie_Chan_Fan, JakobFel, jkiiskinen, Karl_the_Pain,
Kaschtelator, KetobaK, kultpcgames, L4rge, lazarhead, Lazarus_03, LegoDnD, Lifthrasil, Lord_Kane, Mar1usM,
MaxFulvus, Mister.Wolf, Mr.Caine, myconv, MysterD, Nostalgiaheavy101, pacgoger, Pajama, Palestine, park_84,
pawel-t, phaolo, philipp_chris, PMPMGamer, ppavee, ppdouble, Provide_A_Username, RavenCrowwise,
RepJunior, Rep7icant, RetroJaro, rtcvb32, slurredprey, supplementscene, surfer1260, ThatGuyWithTheThing,
TheDeLongs, Tokyo_Bunny_8990, topolla, uchristensen, Ueber, W1ldc44t, Wolf555, ywzywz
Winner of
Terminator: Resistance & Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line is: