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Amazing, friend! Simply amazing! It kind of explains the mobs we encounter in dungeons in every RPG!
Thanks for giveaway

i am in for

- Day of the Tentacle Remastered
* Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Little Nightmares
* Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity
- Monstrum
- Pinstripe
* Strangeland

A story of mine

We are around 10 years old. While I was playing games with my cousins, the topic suddenly turned to cursing the devil. Then someone said, Satan, if you are here, send us a sign. Suddenly, items on the upper shelves began to fall. It made us all laugh. Then I got up and put the things in their places and tied them very nicely with rope. Then okay, now let's do the same thing and see. Then the ropes started to break one by one and suddenly all the items started to fall. We all ran away screaming. We didn't enter that house for a long time. True story.
Thank you so much for such a spooky giveaway! :)

I'm in for:

- Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Day of the Tentacle Remastered
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
- Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity
- Strangeland
- Monstrum
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Deluxe Edition
- Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
- Little Nightmares


- What do skeletons say before they begin dining?
- Bone appetit!

Post edited October 16, 2023 by Accatone
Thank you for another amazing giveaway!

I'm in for:
- Monster Train

Why do vampires love baseball?
It features a lot of bats!

Why do people tend to stay far away from vampires?
Because they have bat breath!
Im interested in the following
1. Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
2. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
3. Little Nightmares
4. Among the Sleep - Enhanced Ed.
5. Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest

Here is a pretty classic scary story.

Four travelers are caught stranded in a snow storm. Fearing death from the cold and unable to find safety due to the sun going down, they find an abandoned cottage and take shelter. They try to light a fire but have no kindling so the room is pitch black. Although exhausted with a desire to sleep, they know that without a fire they would freeze to death. And there was no guarantee that they would all be awake if they just watched each other.

So the leader came up with a proposal. Everyone would stay in one corner of the room. They would all walk with the wall on their right until they get to the corner. Once there, they would tap the person in the corner on the shoulder and take their spot as the next person would walk to the next corner. By doing this, there will always be at least one person awake and walking to ensure everyone stays up.

The others agree and put the plan into motion. They all take a corner and take turns tapping each one on the shoulder until the sun comes up. With the light shining through, the four leave the cottage and head back to civilization. However, a sudden thought dawns on the leader. For the plan to work, there needs to be FIVE people to keep the circle going, one in each corner and one one the move to tap the next person. However, despite their group of four, the plan kept going until the sun came up. Who was tapping on his shoulder?
Thank you #bjgamer! I'm in by a day. I'd like to talk about obsession. Let's check two stories,
#Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You

I put a spell on you, because you're mine
You better stop the thing that you're doin'
I said, "Watch out, I ain't lyin'", yeah
I ain't gonna take none of your, foolin' around
I ain't gonna take none of your, puttin' me down
I put a spell on you because you're mine, all right
I put a spell on you, because you're mine
You better stop, the thing that you're doin'

The second, #The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video)

Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you
Every single day, every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you

I participate for,
* Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
- Darkwood
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Song of Horror - Complete Edition
- Pathologic 2

What's a skeleton's favorite rock band? Bone Jovi.
What branch of art do skeletons like? Skullture.

Happy Spooktober to everyone!
Thank you Bjgamer for a New Spooktober GA.

Three vampires walked into a bar.
The first one orders blood on the rocks.
The second one orders double blood.
The third one orders a mug of hot water.
The bartender asks, “Why do you want hot water?”
The third vampire holds up a tampon and says, “I’m making tea.”

I'm in for :
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
I am in for Day of the Tentacle Remastered only.

The spookiest thing I know of is Jólakötturinn, also known as the Yule Cat, who is the ultimate fashionista and a legendary being of Icelandic folklore. Yes, I am bringing Christmas into a thread about spookiness.

When you think of Christmas, you think of gaudy decorations, trees, candy canes, seasonal baked goods, those sappy holiday movies.

If you don't live in Iceland, you probably don't think of a giant murder floof showing up on Christmas Eve, going from house-to-house, peering into windows of every home, looking for anyone who hasn't received new clothing, and eating them.

Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom. Nom.

For a point of reference, Iceland is roughly the same size as Hungary and Portugal... or for us in the US, the state Kentucky. Plus Icelandic people have the disadvantage of being stuck on an island. They can't just cross the boarder to anywhere not Iceland like that bridge at the end of the Sleepy Hollow story in hopes of evading a giant cat that will eat you for the crime of wearing last year's fashion.

Although I've read that just getting a pair of socks will save you from the Yule Cat, much like how one sock saved Dobby the House Elf.

The Yule Cat's owner is the Grýla, who makes Krampus look like a total slacker primarily because he only operates once a year. Grýla is stalking bad children every day of the year with the intentions of cooking them in her cauldron (except perhaps when her cat is out doing his thing.)

If you'd like to learn more about Jólakötturinn the Yule Cat, PBS did a 10 minute thing on him that can be watched online here:


edit -- It you would like some more feline spookiness, The Cats of Ulthar by HP Lovecraft is considered public domain in the US due to being published in 1920, this it can be read in its entirety online here:
Post edited October 15, 2023 by Catventurer
The Eye of GOG

(Excerpts from a notes of a hermit living presumably in early XIX century. Widely disregarded by scientific community as a hoax.)

Some months ago I contacted an employee of publishing company called Distribution Center "Proyekt", regarding rare grimoire known as "The Book of GOG". Today I finally got the tome delivered. I spent most of my savings on it, but I'm very excited nevertheless. Book contains instructions for performing a ritual that allows to visit in your dreams ethereal place called GOG. It is said that in there one can find portals leading to countless worlds, but for getting access to each, one has pay with a particle of one's being, whatever that means. I want to try tonight.
I did it! Everything I've read was true but infinitely better than I would imagine. GOG is vast, empty, cold and serene place, but the worlds I can reach through it are incredible. Dark and colorful, terrifying and joyous, bizarre and mundane, their variety seems to have no boundaries. I was never so happy in my life.
Last night I found another chamber in the GOG itself. It was full of phantoms talking to each other, and I could talk with them as well. We talked all night about worlds behind portals and even completely unrelated matters. It was truly fascinating. I can't wait for the next night.
I suspect phantoms might be in fact other people like me using the ritual. I noticed The Purple Orb appearing sometimes in the GOG, and later I deduced it happens whenever other phantoms ask about me or want to see me.
I'm getting weaker and don't eat much, but I don't care. I just want sleep.
Tonight in GOG was different. Instead of usual countless portals, there was only one at a time, which changed whenever enough phantoms paid a toll to access it. It was pure madness, both fascinating and terrifying sight of phantoms racing each other to the gate. But then next portal appeared that no one wanted to enter. Suddenly shroud of dread and despair enveloped the hall, and phantoms started screaming and wailing. I can't tell what they screamed, but it sounded almost like a name. Jacques Quin? I woke up drenched in sweat. Also my tooth fall out.
My eyesight is getting worse. Yesterday in the woods I thought I saw The Purple Orb between treetops. Was it real, a mirage, or am I daydreaming now?
Last night ritual didn't work. I dreamed of bears holding up the globe instead. Strangely, it felt like a relief more than disappointment. When I woke up, I felt stronger than I did in weeks. I think I kind of hope it won't work anymore, but I will try tonight just to be sure.
It's working again. Also, The Purple Orb now doesn't seem to ever disappear, even when apparently no other phantom asked about me. I have an uneasy feeling of it watching me.
My health deteriorated drastically in past months. I'm nearly deaf now and blind in one eye. But I found enough strength to fight addiction and limit my otherworldly escapades to maybe twice a month.
Things changed. Just like GOG would know what has to be done to take me back. Many new portals started appearing, full of debauchery and oriental nymphs with bosoms ample as overfilled wineskins. I was a hermit my whole life, this temptation is too much to resist.
I can't walk anymore. Yesterday I crawled to the garden, but since all my teeth fell out I can barely eat anyway. I wish I could sleep forever.
Something is very wrong. When in GOG, I can see everything but can't interact with anything, be it portals or phantoms. I'm only passive observer with absolutely no power nor will. Sometimes I can also see my hut and myself, as if through the Book. There is also no Purple Orb anymore.
I haven't eat nor sleep in a week. I believe I understand why I don't see The Purple Orb anymore. Because I see through The Purple Orb. I'm afraid that when I won't wake up anymore, I shall become The Purple Orb. Watching helplessly for all eternity.


I wish to enter for:
1. Monster Train + DLC
2. Strangeland
3. Hellblade
Post edited October 16, 2023 by ssling

^ the shortest, spookiest story ever told! xD

Not in, but thank you for yet another generous/humorous giveaway, bjgamer :)
There's nothing scarier than seeing the thread "Games that treat GOG customers as second class citizens v2" getting bumped!!
What new game got added to the list, everyone wonders! The fear of one opening that thread and get spooked is real!
This is a true story of horror!

I'd like to enter for the following:
- Darkwood
- Little Nightmares
- Pinstripe

Thank you very much bjgamer for the giveaway, and to Doc0075 for the extra donations.
I will tell you a real story about a boy named Carl. He and his friends (at least he thought he had friends) went to some dark and distant place to pay respect to the fallen soldiers. The road was dangerous and full of traps made both by nature and humans. In one of those traps, our protagonist has stuck. Instead of help from his "friends", he received scorn and ridicule. Sometime after those creatures went further and left Carl alone on the enemy territory without any means of survival. Carl do all he can but the barbed wire only went further into his flesh while he was trying to get rid of the damned trap. It was a struggle for life. But he cannot do anything by himself and he starts to cry for help in the hope that a good soul will come and help to free him from the shackles of barbed wire. After some painful hours of waiting, he was finally rescued by his best friend - his Mom. What exactly is the conclusion from this story is up to you, but I have my own opinion about what happened to Karl and my opinion will always remain with me.

I`m for the next games:
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Ed.
Thank you for the fun Spooktober GA!

Why don't mummies take vacations?
Because they're afraid they'll relax and unwind!

I'm seeking to obtain a key to one of these five realms.
Haunted GOGyard
1. Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition
2. Monster Train + Monster Train - The Last Divinity
Steamy Cauldron
3. Song of Horror - Complete Edition
4. Pathologic 2
5. Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest

May the spookiest soul win!
Thanks for the giveaway, bjgamer!
I'm in for:
- Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition.
- Darkwood.
- Batman: Arkham Asylum Goty.
- Strangeland.
- Song of Horror - Complete Edition.
- Pathologic 2.

*KNOCK KNOCK!* the door of the my bedroom sounded thunderously in the middle of the night, the first time was scary, but after years fear dissappar, now only curiosity is difficult to bear, who is behind the door everynight? I'm living alone.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would like:

Haunted Gogyard:
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Monstrum
- Pinstripe
- Strangeland

Steamy Cauldron:
- Among the Sleep - Enhanced Ed.
- The Mooseman
- Mordheim: City of the Damned
- Song of Horror - Complete Edition

And for the scary story, I think I've seen a ghost in my life. Once. I was passing through my parent's bathroom (door open, lights off) and I saw a glowing white thing. At first I didn't think about it much and thought it was my mom. But then she appears, not from the bathroom. Naturally I went back, and it was gone. Even until today I always feel a discomfort when looking into dark empty rooms from a doorway. One part in Layers of Fear has this, with a ghost inside, and it's easily the scariest moment in the game.