What does one life matter......
It's subjective to context of both situation and person. Someone who gives it willingly matters to more people than who will ever know he existed, or that he would know would exist to care. Someone who has it taken forcibly matters only in what his death has accomplished. Someone who does nothing with it matters only to those who he cares to make matter, and by the actions he takes.
What does it mean? What matters in a life is what is succeeded by it. All life has value, but not all achieve that value on their own merit or by design. And these situations can happen independently or con-currently of each other. A willingly given life lets others keep theirs, or helps to improve another, as you see in parenting, donations, charity, so forth. A life taken forcibly, leads to the exchange of their assets, the removal of a criminal too dangerous to live his life his own way or the capture of the one who took it if possible. A life that means nothing will still mean change, their actions affecting the world in minor ways day by day but with major events across the whole. Simply by having friends you pledge hardship or assistance to their lives, by working you provide a service good or bad, by spending money you help another business live for a few minutes longer. And you inflict your own emotions onto another person or take those of others into yourself, and the value comes from the change you create from it.
Thanks for the giveaway.