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WinterSnowfall: It now clears properly, on its own
BlueMooner: Still have mine.
It has conditions where it still wont clear. however they adding clearing it to user settings, which only shows if dot exists
shmerl: One annoyance I have - too many popups opened for editing posts, and Firefox history limit is exceeded for re-opening closed browser windows. It is quite irritating. I increased the history limit in the settings, but still. This whole popup approach is just not necessary, editing of the post can be done in the same browser window as the post itself.
The annoyance I have with these forums in terms of their functionability, is with the search. Because GOG is only half committed to Unicode compliance in all manners, (even screwing up the scripting of the Dosbox Configs) this means that the forum search is effectively broken because spaces, ampersands, & other characters return their unicode control rather than being properly parsed.

(If the forum search even functions these days.)
Post edited January 03, 2024 by Darvond
Darvond: The annoyance I have with these forums in terms of their functionability, is with the search. Because GOG is only half committed to Unicode compliance in all manners, (even screwing up the scripting of the Dosbox Configs) this means that the forum search is effectively broken because spaces, ampersands, & other characters return their unicode control rather than being properly parsed.

(If the forum search even functions these days.)
They did make it work with spaces at some point though.
Cavalary: They did make it work with spaces at some point though.
Not really. Right now, searching for "tables and chairs" just gives me the bear o' doom.
Cavalary: Considering how all of GOG's redesigns went, I'll just say once again please leave the forum as it is. I mean, definitely fix bugs and do something about spam, but don't change it to something almost certain to be worse just to be "modern".
This, dont replace it with some "modern" nonsense, EA or Reddit redesigns are awful, more clutter , slow and less valuable info on screen.

What they should improve is showing MORE post per one page, so you dont need to click zillion time to look thru discussion, it shoul show 50 at minimum or even better 100 at once. It woul drastically improve readability.!!!

Another basic improvement should be for search function, sorting results by date or last post added...

Dont change to some fancy bs webframeworks that lack backward compatibility or forcing mobile UI on desktop users, ihate new reddit compared to good old old reddit , or how steam forums have unnecessary small width , you cant even see full topic title... Steam search is disaster too but at least they alow sort by date or revelance.
Cavalary: They did make it work with spaces at some point though.
Darvond: Not really. Right now, searching for "tables and chairs" just gives me the bear o' doom.
Searching for "and" seems to cause the gogbear.
happywinner: What they should improve is showing MORE post per one page, so you dont need to click zillion time to look thru discussion, it shoul show 50 at minimum or even better 100 at once. It woul drastically improve readability.!!!
The posts per page is a setting, 10-50, so you can make it 50 if you want.
happywinner: Another basic improvement should be for search function, sorting results by date or last post added...
What's weird is that search within a post is sorted by date... But it's oldest first, and a maximum of 100 results, so in big threads you can just find the first part of the matching posts.
Not quite sure what the sorting is in thread search, but they seem to be sorted by date of last post for those where the search term is in the title. Maybe for the others too but in reverse and according to the first post, so oldest first. But not quite sure.
Post edited January 03, 2024 by Cavalary
neumi5694: I actually like the old style structure.
Some functionalities like embedded pics or no hassle posting links would be nice, but apart from that it's ok.

No screen filling signatures or stuff moving around or channels with neverending chats.

As an alternative to the forum there always try the gog-caffee discord server.
It can be old styled but fully featured; the SomethingAwful Forums have more features than here and they're using vBulletin Version 2.2.9 (SABB-v2.24.01).

I want that to sink in for a moment. They're using software from 2001 that is more fully featured than this forum.
Darvond: I want that to sink in for a moment. They're using software from 2001 that is more fully featured than this forum.
lol, yeah.
Something i miss is a button to go to the last message read in a post, or at least in all these years i don't know if this exists.
Post edited January 05, 2024 by argamasa
Dev0_NZ: It was removed around the 7-8th November last year, the url's to send neg rep, no longer work.
As in 2023?
If so, then I was not aware of that, and thanks for the info.

Dev0_NZ: Contact support to get your rep reset.
I am guessing by reset, you mean back to zero.
I am not in the negative yet ... long way off last I checked.

And when I asked a MOD a few months ago if they could fix my REP, they said not to worry about it, as REP impacts nothing. At that time I had been keeping a record of my REP and seen it going down 5 REP a day for many weeks and even months. I've not bothered to look at my REP since then.

To be perfectly honest, I am not that bothered about my REP count, as only I can see it, it was just the psychological thing of making the childish Bot Bullies ineffective, that appealed to me.

I've also decided to wind back my participation here at GOG, both in the forum and making purchases. One, because GOG have done nothing to get my download speed back to where it should be, and Two, because I am fed up with some folk in the forum, which is often a cesspit of complaints and negativity. So I'd rather do other things with my time and life ... and I have such a huge backlog to address ... not just with games, but books and movies etc too.

I'll still post here now and then, and no doubt make the odd purchase or grab a freebie, but mostly I won't. And there is certainly a bunch of really good folk here, who I have come to like, and who have a more balanced approach to things.